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Chateau Pape Clement 黑教皇 Pessac Leognan Grand Cru Classe de Graves《風土系酒款》

Chateau Pape Clement 黑教皇 Pessac Leognan Grand Cru Classe de Graves《風土系酒款》

🌟 波爾多Pessac Leognan區的珍品
🌟 Grand Cru Classe de Graves

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Pape Clement 紅酒成為 1959 Graves Grand Cru Classes 

Chateau Pape Clement 黑教皇 Pessac Leognan Grand Cru Classe de Graves《風土系酒款 - TF890A/B/C》

產區/級別 : Pessac Leognan 佩薩克雷奧良

📜 酒款有 2006 & 2015 年選擇

🌟 波爾多Pessac Leognan區的珍品 

🌟 Grand Cru Classe de Graves

👇🏻2006年  (TF890C)👇🏻

葡萄品類 : 60% Cabernet Sauvignon赤霞珠、40% Merlot梅洛

酒精度 : 13.5%vol

🏅 Wine Advocate 94pts
🏅 Vinous 93pts
🏅 Wine Enthusiast 92pts
🏅 Wine Spectator 91pts
🏅 Vivino 4.4

👇🏻2015年  (TF890B)👇🏻

葡萄品類 : 56% Cabernet Sauvignon赤霞珠、40% Merlot梅洛、4% Cabernet Franc 品麗珠

酒精度 : 14%vol

🏅 James Suckling 99pts

🏅 Jen Dunnuck 97pts

🏅 Wine Advocate 96pts

🏅 Vinous 96pts

🏅 Decanter 95pts

🏅 Wine Enthusiast 95pts

🏅 Wine Spectator 95pts

🏅 Vivino 4.5

Chateau Pape Clement 黑教皇 是波爾多 Pessac Leognan 區的珍品,Château Pape Clement 位於距離波爾多市西南方兩公里外的貝沙克產區 Commune of Pessac 。城堡被綠色的草地包圍著,上面種著參天巨樹,週邊是葡萄園,風景美不勝收。

Château Pape Clement 的歷史可以追溯到 1300 年,波爾多區大主教在鄉間買了一塊地產作為往來於城市間的驛站,之後他把這塊地產改造成一座葡萄園。1305年,菲利浦四世 ( Philipp IV ) 當政時期,他當上了羅馬教皇,史稱克雷蒙五世 ( Pape Clement V ),這就是城堡名字的由來。酒莊在法國大革命中被收歸國有並拍賣。之後經過眾多轉手易主,並經歷了粉孢菌、黴菌、和葡萄根瘤蚜的危害,還有二十世紀 20 年代末的世界性的經濟危機,最後終於在 1939 年時被 Paul Montagn 收購,此時葡萄園已經幾近荒廢。正當 Montagne 準備恢復葡萄酒生產時,戰爭爆發了,德國人佔領了城堡。幸運的是,他們只是在屋頂生火取暖時引發火災給城堡造成了輕微的損壞。直到 1953 年的葡萄大豐收才使得 Château Pape Clement 的葡萄酒生產恢復了往日的光輝。現在莊園的經營已經全權交給了 Montagne 的女婿Bernard Magrez,繼續為世人提供好酒。

大家對 Bernard Magrez 應該唔會陌生,我地 Wine Couple 都推介過唔少這位老人家的出品,Bernard Magrez 可謂無寶不落,他可以選擇投資的酒莊,酒質一定有信心保証。


🏅 Wine Advocate 94pts

Tasted at Bordeaux Index's annual 10-Year On tasting in London. The 2006 Château Pape Clément has an intense bouquet that is very well defined, adorned with cassis, blueberry and subtle iodine scents that all gain momentum in the glass. The palate is medium-bodied with supple tannin, very well-judged acidity, the new oak neatly enmeshed and blessed with a precise, harmonious finish that lingers. This is a wonderful Pape Clément that will give much pleasure over the next 20 or 30 years.

🏅 Vinous 93pts

Full ruby-red. Superripe, highly complex aromas of plum, cocoa powder, tobacco and warm stones. Big, plush and chewy, with compelling sweetness and generosity of texture to the flavors of plum, minerals, tobacco and woodsmoke.Has the sheer stuffing to support the serious, building but noble tannins.Finishes with superb palate-staining persistence. This may well shut down in bottle, and should age well for the next two decades, but it's a knockout right now.

🏅 Wine Enthusiast 92pts

A ripely smooth, polished wine, the new wood a major constituent of its character. It has a severe structure, dark and concentrated, but the texture of the very ripe fruit is rounded, jammy, giving a more generous potential.

🏅 Wine Spectator 91pts

Dark in color. Blackberry, coffee and milk chocolate aromas follow through to a full body, with lots of chewy tannins, ripe fruit and polished wood. This needs time to come together, but it's very powerful. 


🏅 James Suckling 99 pts

The clarity to this wine is impressive. Wealth of dark-plum and black-fruit essence not to mention orange citrus. Everything is dialed up to the limit here but then dialed in on the palate. Such impressive depth and suave, ripe, fluid tannins that deliver impressive length. Great wine. Such polish. Superb. Try from 2022.


🏅 Jen Dunnuck 97 pts

As with the white, the 2015 Château Pape Clément is up at the top of the hierarchy and is a tour de force in Red Bordeaux that should be snatched up by readers. Coming from a 50-hectare parcel of the gravelly soils and harvest between September 25th and October 15th, it’s a blend of 56% Cabernet Sauvignon, 40% Merlot and 4% Cabernet Franc that saw a long maceration (30-40 days) and 18 months in 80% new French oak. With a deep ruby/plum color and awesome notes of currants, black cherries, truffles, chocolate and graphite, this beauty hits the palate with a massive, full-bodied, opulent, sexy, yet never heavy style. With terrific concentration, perfect balance, and ripe tannin, as well as plenty of oak, give bottles 4-5 years of cellaring and enjoy over the following 2-3 decades.


🏅 Wine Advocate 96 pts

The 2015 Pape Clement is blended of 56% Cabernet Sauvignon, 40% Merlot and 4% Cabernet Franc, matured in 80% new and 20% one-year-old French oak barrels for 18 months. Medium to deep garnet-purple, it opens with profound notes of crushed red and black currants, black cherries and cassis with touches of mocha, baking spices, menthol and lavender plus a hint of new leather. Medium-bodied, firm and concentrated with tons of tightly wound black fruit and earth layers, it has a grainy frame and refreshing lift on the long finish.


🏅 Vinous 96 pts

One of the stars of the vintage, the 2015 Pape Clément is fabulous. Dark and beautifully resonant, it captures all the natural radiance of the year in the Pape Clément style. Super-ripe black cherry, plum, mocha, chocolate, new leather and spice effortlessly fill out the wine's ample frame. Soft contours and an open-knit, inviting personality are just two of the reasons the Pape Clément is going to be virtually impossible to resist, even in the early going. The blend is 60% Cabernet Sauvignon and 40% Merlot. Tasted two times.


🏅 Decanter 95pts

Clear reductive environment, saving the best nose for the consumer and not for en primeur. A lovely richly textured wine –really velvety with gorgeous purity to the damson and black cherry fruits.


🏅 Wine Enthusiast 95 pts

Dense and concentrated, this wine is fully structured and also has great fruit. It is dense, showing the ripeness of both tannins and fruit in this vintage. It will power through its development to be a very fine wine from 2025.


🏅 Wine Spectator 95pts

Ripe and lush, with flashy anise, apple wood and mocha notes forming the frame and ample cassis, cherry paste and plum sauce flavors at the core for balance. Shows lots of sweet spice details through the finish, with the apple wood edge holding sway for now. A bold, glossy version that will please fans of the style after some time. Best from 2022 through 2035.


🏅 James Suckling 98pts

Stunning concentration of perfectly ripe blackcurrants here with a delicate whiff of vanilla oak and extremely fine tannins that are almost perfectly integrated on the seductive and delicate palate, right through the almost literally breathtaking, super-long and very polished finish. Try from 2022.

🏅 Jeb Dunnuck 97pts

Tasted on two separate occasions, the 2016 Château Pape Clément never failed to disappoint, offering a huge, powerful, full-bodied personality as well as beautiful notes of cassis, graphite, high-class cigar tobacco, asphalt, and graphite. About as sexy as it gets in the vintage, with silky tannins and loads of fruit, it’s perfectly balanced and has a great finish. The 2016 is a blend of 60% Merlot, 36% Cabernet Sauvignon, and the balance Petit Verdot and Cabernet Franc, all raised in 60% new barrels. Drink 2022-2047.

🏅 Vinous 96 pts

The 2016 Pape Clément bursts out of the glass, offering ripe blackberry, raspberry coulis, fresh mint and hints of licorice on the well-defined nose. It is perhaps a little more opulent than its peers, but unlike in the past, I don’t find it excessive. The palate is well balanced with supple tannin. There is a killer line of acidity and real panache toward a velvety, almost Pauillac-like finish armed with shimmering black fruit laced with graphite. Superb. Drink 2024-2050.

🏅 Wine Advocate 96 pts

The 2016 Pape Clement has a deep garnet color. It features scents of vibrant baked plums and crème de cassis, with suggestions of garrigue, charcoal, forest floor, and violets. Medium to full-bodied, the palate is laden with juicy black fruits, supported by velvety tannins and seamless freshness, finishing long and spicy.

🏅 Decanter 94 pts

Pape Clément retains its customary oak and black fruit impact on the nose in 2016, but without doubt they have sculpted the body. This has thrillingly bright dark berry fruits and a sharp shot of vitality that takes you through from beginning to end. Beautiful touches of minerality on the powerful palate, wrought into an elegant style without losing its texture and sense of depth. This is a step-change in many ways from the vintages where Pape Clément went all-out for power.

伸延閱讀 :
各位酒友如果有興趣想舖道 Graves 區的分級制度和更多 Graves 區列級莊的資料

2006年(TF890C) - $920/支
2015年(TF890B) - $748/支
2016年(TF890A) - $735/支
也可混訂其他酒款 (非風土精選系列),全單滿6支免費送貨上門


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