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Penfolds Bin 707 Cabernet Sauvignon 2018 South Australia 奔富 Bin 707 赤霞珠木塞版 《風土系酒款 - TAU006》

Penfolds Bin 707 Cabernet Sauvignon 2018 South Australia 奔富 Bin 707 赤霞珠木塞版 《風土系酒款 - TAU006》

🌟 Grange 葛蘭許的 Cabernet Sauvignon 版本
🌟 酒莊限量款,只在最優年份釀造
🌟 100%美國新橡木桶陳釀18個月
🏅 James Halliday 98 pts
🏅 Ken Gargett 98 pts
🏅 James Suckling 98 pts
🏅 Wine Advocate 97+ pts
🏅 Andrew Caillard 97 pts
🏅 Tyson Stelzer 97 pts
🏅 Huon Hooke 97 pts
🏅 Wine Spectator 94 pts
🏅 Wine Enthusiast 94

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Penfolds Bin 707 Cabernet Sauvignon 2018 South Australia 奔富 Bin 707 赤霞珠木塞版 《風土系酒款 - TAU006》

產區 / 級別 : McLaren Vale, Coonawarra, Barossa Valley, Wrattonbully, Robe, Adelaide Hills, South Australia

葡萄品種: 100% Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠

酒精度: 14.5%

網站介紹: https://www.penfolds.com/en-au/home

伸延閱讀:Penfolds 奔富

🌟 Grange 葛蘭許的 Cabernet Sauvignon 版本

🌟 酒莊限量款,只在最優年份釀造

🌟 100%美國新橡木桶陳釀18個月

🏅 James Halliday 98 pts

🏅 Ken Gargett 98 pts

🏅 James Suckling 98 pts

🏅 Wine Advocate 97+ pts

🏅 Andrew Caillard 97 pts

🏅 Tyson Stelzer 97 pts

🏅 Huon Hooke 97 pts

🏅 Wine Spectator 94 pts

🏅 Wine Enthusiast 94 pts

🏅 Vivino 4.7

Penfolds 奔富酒莊位於南澳遠近聞名的 Barossa Valley 巴羅薩谷產區,它是澳洲知名度最高的酒業巨頭,被看做是澳洲葡萄酒的象徵,被稱為澳洲葡萄酒業的貴族。旗下酒款眾多,各種 Bin 和數字的組合,其鼎鼎大名的 Grange 葛蘭許,BIN 號 95,澳洲頂級佳釀之一,甚至享有澳洲酒王的讚譽,更獲葡萄酒權威 Robert Parker 給出 100 分滿分評價,是世界公認的品質最為穩定的葡萄酒之一。

Bin 707由 Cabernet Sauvignon 跨產區葡萄園混釀,於 1964 年推出首個年份,期間因葡萄收成未達到質量要求而停產,只在最優年份釀造,Bin 707 可以說是 Grange 葛蘭許的 Cabernet Sauvignon 版本,是 Penfolds 奔富最出名的酒款之一。果味濃郁集中,酒體飽滿且擁有優秀的窖藏潛力,在澳洲高品質經典 Cabernet Sauvignon 榜單中穩居高位。170 多年來,Penfolds 奔富傳承下 3 種不同的釀酒理念:單一葡萄園、單一區以及跨產區葡萄釀製,最具代表性的這幾款高端款 Bin 389、Bin 407、Bin 707、Grange 都屬於跨產區葡萄混釀,精選最成熟完好的果實,呈現出酒莊混釀精工藝術,釀出 Penfolds 奔富獨一無二的風格,以極其穩定的水準而聞名,成功地體現了 Penfolds 酒莊在平衡果實與橡木風味的精湛釀酒技術。Bin 707 在 100% 新美國橡木桶中陳熟 18 個月,葡萄來自不同地區 McLaren Vale, Coonawarra, Barossa Valley, Wrattonbully, Robe, Adelaide Hills 跨產區混釀而成。

🏅 Ken Gargett 98 pts

Opaque purple colour.  The immediate impression, at this very early stage, is that the oak is stilldominating, but oak of such quality.  Through it soon emerge notes of cedar, blackfruits, choco. late, spices, rich chocolate cake almost verging on suggesting this wine is more like a Cabernetdessert.  Focused, balanced and extremely long, this is a cracking Cabernet.  A wine for twenty tothirty years. A day later, even more impressive. Real persistence, serious concentration and yet a wine of evenmore finesse than it first seemed.

🏅 James Suckling 98 pts

This has a very expressive and intense feel with assertive, 100% new American oak, sitting in a bold, spicy layer with vanilla, bourbon and espresso notes, across the blueberries, blackcurrants and boysenberries. The palate has a very taut yet luscious delivery of rich plum and cranberry flavors. There’s such long and taut tannin and oak is driving this into tightly compressed shape with roasted-coffee tones to the very intense and long, ripe plums and black cherries. Powerful, commanding cabernet. This is a great Bin 707. Attractive now, but best to wait until 2025.

🏅 Wine Advocate 97+ pts

In case readers weren't aware, Bin 707 is always aged in new American oak, like Grange. The 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon Bin 707 features plenty of vanilla on the nose, backed by concentrated cassis fruit. It's full-bodied, velvety and richly tannic, clearly meant to have two decades (or more) of longevity. Marked by ripe fruit, a notable lack of herbaceousness, and lavish oak, it's out of step with current trends in Australian Cabernet Sauvignon, but it's no less delicious and all the more unique for that.

🏅 Andrew Caillard 97 pts

Deep crimson. Elegant blackcurrant, black olive, graphite aromas with meaty, vanilla, mocha notes. Supple and weleconcentrated with attractive blackcurrant, blackberry fruits, fine graphite/ touch al dente tannins and plentiful mocha,espresso oak notes. Finishes muscular/ chewy /cedary firm and minerally. A very polished wine with lovely fruitdensity and toraue. The alter-ego of Grange with marvellous varietal definition. comolexitv. volume and drive.

🏅 Tyson Stelzer 97 pts

Inimitable Bin 707.  The warm summer of 2018 has ripened a deeply coloured and confidently structured Bin 707 ofheightened fruit depth, met confidently head-on by new American oak.  Blackcurrant, cassis and liquorice are deeplimpacted by high cocoa dark chocolate and freshly ground coffee.

🏅 Vinous 96 pts

Glass-staining ruby. Intensely perfumed red and dark fruit liqueur, floral oil, coconut and cured tobacco gualities on thehighly expressive nose. Offers palate-staining, stil-primary cherry-vanilla, blackcurrant, coconut and fruitcake flavorsthat are lifted and sharpened by an undercurrent of smoky minerality. Gains weight with air while retaining energy andfinishes sweet and extremely long, with reverberating cherry and floral notes and supple, slow-building tannins.

🏅 Wine Spectator 94 pts

Intense and powerful, offering a vibrant mix of Kalamata olive, gunpowder tea, toffee, Szechuan peppercorn and dark chocolate notes. The dense and toothsome huckleberry, blueberry and maraschino cherry flavors are harmonious, showing plenty of oomph through the long, velvety finish.

🏅 Wine Enthusiast 94 pts

Bin 707 is, as always, a gargantuan Cab that's still in its infancy. But all is in place for a long life in cellar, from the lucid aromas of semidried plums and berries, earthy, peppery spice, graphite and dark-chocolate oak characteristics to the fine, muscular, tannins. There's harmony throughout despite the wine's current enormity.


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