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Segla 2016 魯臣世家副牌 Margaux Second Growth 瑪歌二級莊 Rauzan Segla 副牌 (375ml) 《醇酒系列-FH110》

Segla 2016 魯臣世家副牌 Margaux Second Growth 瑪歌二級莊 Rauzan Segla 副牌 (375ml) 《醇酒系列-FH110》

⭐️ 1855年分級為 2級莊 Rauzan Segla 的副牌
⭐️ 瑪歌產區座擁 359年歷史
⭐️ 2016年靚年份,Wine Advocate 評Margaux 產區年份評分為97 pts
⭐️ 在 Margaux 產區盲品試酒位例第二,部份部評更將副牌評分高於正牌 Rauzan Segla‼️
🏅James Suckling 93 pts
🏅Wine Advocate 89-91 pts
🏅Vinous 90 pts

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1855年分級為   2級莊 Rauzan Segla 的副牌

Segla 2016 魯臣世家副牌 Margaux Second Growth 瑪歌二級莊 Rauzan Segla 副牌 (375ml) 《醇酒系列-FH110》

產區 / 級別 : Margaux 瑪歌

葡萄品種 : 55% Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠、  43% Merlot 梅洛、  1% Petit Verdot 小維多、  1% Cabernet Franc 品霞珠

酒精度 :   14.5 % vol

伸延閱讀:Second Label 副牌酒


⭐️ 1855年分級為   2級莊 Rauzan Segla 的副牌

⭐️ 瑪歌產區座擁   359年歷史

⭐️ 2016年靚年份,Wine Advocate 評Margaux 產區年份評分為97 pts

⭐️ 在 Margaux 產區盲品試酒位例第二,部份部評更將副牌評分高於正牌 Rauzan Segla‼️

🏅James Suckling 93 pts

🏅Wine Advocate 89-91 pts

🏅Vinous 90 pts



One of the more surprising results was just how well Ségla, the second wineof Château Rauzan-Ségla, showed. It was the second-favourite wine overall in the blindMargaux flight, nestling between Château Rauzan-Ségla and Pavillon Rouge de ChâteauMargaux. And some of us  seven out of 18 highly professional tasters  even scored ithigher than Rauzan. The second wine is certainly even more pleasurable to drinknow, and costs only about a quarter the price of Château Rauzan-Ségla itself. By Jancis Robinson


1661 Pierre Desmezures de Rauzan 購下一大宅與莊園,改命為 Chateau Rauzan Segla ,他死後由3個兒子繼承,其後一分為二分裂成 Chateau Rauzan-Gassies,在1855Medoc分級被同列為二級莊,當時Mouton Rothschild 還是二級莊並未升級的時候,當時的二級莊的排位 Rauzan Segla 是跟隨 Mouton 其後,可見其巿場對其質量之認同,就連美國總統 Thomas Jefferson 1787年到訪波爾多時,也專誠購入10 Rauzan Segla 1983年酒莊請來波爾多著名釀酒顧問 Emile Peynaud 助陣,1984年酒莊落入Chanel  Wertheimer家族手中,Latour 的總經理 John Kolasa 加入擔入酒莊經理一職,直至2014年改由前 Cheval des Andes釀酒師 Nicolas Audebert 取替。著名酒評家 Neal Martin 評論Winemaker Nicolas Audebert has conspired with the benevolent growingseason to produce a benchmark wine for the estate.


Chateau Rauzan Segla 葡萄園佔地73公頃,釀酒過程一絲不苟,酒窖裡設置35個溫控不锈鋼缸,每一個不锈鋼桶對應著35塊葡萄園,推行微釀造,指細的分開了不同的風土條件以方便日後混釀,採用原生酵母,而且從1999年開始便將新桶比例降低至50%左右,並採用中等烤燻程度的橡木桶,使其風格不會掩蓋瑪歌產區充滿花香迷人雅致的特徵,葡萄酒於橡木桶陳熟約18-20個月,Rauzan Segla 1995年開始出產副牌 Segla ,莊園總產量有一半落入副牌 Segla 之中,可見質量之高有根有據,Rauzan Segla 有別於其他 Margaux,酒體較深厚,而且熟成需時,副牌則能在早年享用,即買即享受頂級瑪歌的風味,除了一級莊   Chateau Margaux 站在頂端Rauzan Segla  Palmer  d'Issan 並列為瑪歌產區的列級莊的典範。


🏅James Suckling 93 pts

This is one of the most structured Séglas for a long time with full body, a sold core of fruit and firm, chewy tannins that are polished and focused. Tight at the end. Hazelnut finish.

🏅Wine Advocate 89-91 pts

The 2016 Segla had been blended for a month when I tasted it with the exception of 14 experimental barrels. It comprises of 45% Cabernet Sauvignon, 53% Merlot with 1% each of Petit Verdot and Cabernet Franc, matured in 20% new oak. It has a very polished and quite opulent bouquet with kirsch, blackberry, a touch of glycerine and just a hint of menthol. The palate is medium-bodied with very supple tannin, silky smith in texture with a dash of spice on the back palate, and a compact but long finish.

🏅Vinous 90 pts

The 2016 Ségla has a well-defined bouquet whose discreet rose petal and iris aromas lift the black cherry and blueberry fruit. The palate is medium-bodied with supple tannins and quite lively and spicy, leading into a slightly metallic finish, which I suspect will ebb with time. There is good length here. An elegant and quite persistent Margaux. Tasted blind at the Southwold tasting.

@HK$205 /支
可混訂其他酒款, 6支免費送貨上門


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