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Bruno Giacosa Barolo Falletto Vigna Le Rocche 2013《風土系列 - TI1041》

Bruno Giacosa Barolo Falletto Vigna Le Rocche 2013《風土系列 - TI1041》

⭐《Coltrainwine Newsletter》Barolo 釀造者中唯六位的滿星釀酒師
⭐入選倫敦佳士得拍賣行的“ 最珍稀葡萄酒” 拍賣會五款之一
⭐被Robert Parker 評為世界上最偉大的葡萄酒莊園之一
⭐意大利國寶級釀酒師 - Bruno Giacosa
🏅 James Suckling 97 分
🏅 Wine Spectator 95 分
🏅 Wine Advocate 95 分

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Bruno Giacosa Barolo Falletto Vigna Le Rocche 2013《風土系列 - TI1041》

產區 / 級別:Barolo,Piemonte,Italy

葡萄品種:100% Nebbiolo



🌟《Coltrainwine Newsletter》Barolo 釀造者中唯六位的滿星釀酒師


🌟入選倫敦佳士得拍賣行的“ 最珍稀葡萄酒” 拍賣會五款之一


🌟意大利國寶級釀酒師 - Bruno Giacosa

🏅 James Suckling 97分

🏅 Wine Spectator 95分

🏅 Wine Advocate 95分

布魯諾·嘉科薩酒莊(Bruno Giacosa),被眾人認為是意大利有史以來最偉大的葡萄酒之一,甚至是全世界最偉大的葡萄酒之一,在意大利的有著舉足輕重的地位。

Bruno Giacosa(去世於 2018 年 1 月 21 日)是一位意大利 葡萄酒生產商,來自朗格地區(皮埃蒙特)的Neive村,生產多種Barbaresco和Barolo葡萄酒,以及裝瓶的Arneis、Barbera、Dolcetto和起泡酒。自有葡萄園生產的葡萄酒以Azienda Agricola Falletto (di Bruno Giacosa)標籤裝瓶,用購買的葡萄或租賃葡萄園的葡萄釀製的葡萄酒則以Casa Vinicola Bruno Giacosa標籤裝瓶。就內比奧羅的生產而言,賈科薩被認為是一個傳統主義者。他被稱為“內伊夫天才”("Genius of Neive")

直到 1982 年,他才購買了他的第一個葡萄園——位於塞拉倫加 (Falletto di Serralunga) 的葡萄園。巴羅洛。1996 年,他還能夠在 Barbaresco 備受好評的 Asili 和 Rabajá 葡萄園購買地塊,他擁有兩個葡萄園的葡萄園,他相信這些葡萄園出產了他多年來採摘的最好的水果。對於大多數評論家來說,這兩個葡萄園(也許還有 Martinenga)被認為是Barbaresco 村最好的葡萄園。

如今,Bruno Giacosa 莊園擁有 20 公頃(49 英畝)的葡萄園,每年生產約 400,000 瓶葡萄酒。在被認為是特殊的罕見年份中,會生產帶有紅色標籤的珍藏酒。

Bruno Giacosa的出品受盡世界各地的酒評家好評,不誇張的說幾乎可以說是神壇級別的地位,所得到的稱號以及入選的榜單數之不盡,所以被譽為意大利最偉大的酒莊之一絕非吹噓:

Robert Parker:全世界只有一一種酒,他無須先嚐試就會掏錢購買者,唯有Bruno Giacosa的酒

Barolo Le Rocche del Faletto Riserva 2011 - James Suckling:100分

RP世界上最偉大大的156個酒莊之 - Bruno Giacosa

Decanter 2007所選出來的意大利五大酒莊之一Bruno Giacosa

神之雫第20集遠峰的第六使徒~Bruno Giacosa

🏅 James Suckling  97分:

This is incredibly powerful and structured with so much tannin backbone and ripe fruit. Aromas of plums and hazelnuts. Full-bodied and chewy. Fabulous finish. Needs three to four years to come together. Great wine. No Falleto was made in 2013. Only Le Rocche. Available in January 2017.

🏅Wine Spectator  95分:

Cherry and strawberry fruit is supported by leather, licorice, mineral and tar flavors in this red, starting out detailed and elegant, turning firm and unyielding by the finish. Though assertive, the tannins stay within bounds, and this finds equilibrium in the end. Best from 2022 through 2045. 1,150 cases made.

🏅Wine Advocate 95分:

The recent evolution of this wine is a bit confusing. After the 2009 Barolo le Rocche del Falletto was released, the wine was not made in 2010 or 2011. The following year, we got the 2012 Barolo Falletto that I scored last year. We now return to the series with the 2013 Barolo Falleto Vigna Le Rocche—which is, of course, the white label wine. The wine shows extremely elegant and fine characteristics with a dry and streamlined approach. Fruit tones on offer are delicate and nuanced. White truffle, balsam herb, violet and licorice are folded within. The wine was a little reticent when I tasted it and it definitely needs more time to flesh out in the bottle.


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