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Pelassa Barolo San Lorenzo di Verduno 2017 佩拉莎 巴羅洛 聖洛倫索迪維爾杜諾《風土系列 - TI1035》

Pelassa Barolo San Lorenzo di Verduno 2017 佩拉莎 巴羅洛 聖洛倫索迪維爾杜諾《風土系列 - TI1035》

🌟 近年冒起的獨家高分 Piedmont 酒莊 - Pelassa
🌟 Monica Larner:(San Lorenzo) One of the most popular and exciting subzones
🏅 Wine Advocate 92分
🏅 James Suckling 92分
🏅 Wine Advocate Monica Larner:"This is a terrific set of new releases from Daniele Pelassa. The wines are delightful across the board."

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[原價$260/支] 加購價$218/支 - JS90分 法國波爾多紅酒 Fontenil 2011 科德尼 - F121C [加購不計入6支成單免運條件]
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Pelassa Barolo San Lorenzo di Verduno 佩拉莎 巴羅洛 聖洛倫索迪維爾杜諾《風土系列 - TI1035》

產區 : San Lorenzo 聖洛倫索,Barolo 巴羅洛,Italy 意大利

葡萄品種 : 100% Nebbiolo


🌟 近年冒起的獨家高分 Piedmont 酒莊 - Pelassa 
🌟 Monica Larner:(San Lorenzo) One of the most popular and exciting subzones
🏅 Wine Advocate 92分
🏅 James Suckling 92分
🏅 Wine Advocate Monica Larner:"This is a terrific set of new releases from Daniele Pelassa. The wines are delightful across the board."

Pelassa 的甜蜜鳥 Moscato 多年來的高性價比又甜而不膩,相信是很多酒友的 House wine 之一。
而高質的原因其實是 Pelassa 本身都是一間高分 Piedmont 酒莊,所以今天我們再引入他的旗艦 Barolo 系列,等大家感受一下 Barolo 浪漫酒莊的實力~ 

Pelassa 近年慢慢也被各大酒評留意到,2011年起 Wine Advocate 開始為 Pelassa 評分

2011 年起 Wine Advocate 的 25 次評分中只有 4 款酒的 5 個評分沒有 90 分!

2014 年起 James Suckling 對 10 個酒款 21 次評分中,更只有 1 款入門款的 3 次評分沒有90分!

Wine Advocate 的 Monica Larner 在試完一系列後更加高度讚賞:
"This is a terrific set of new releases from Daniele Pelassa. The wines are delightful across the board."

這款旗艦酒更是位於名區 San Lorenzo,
(San Lorenzo) One of the most popular and exciting subzones - Monica Larner

Fratelli Alessandria "San Lorenzo di Verduno" Barolo DOCG, 2018

當中所在的 Verduno 園也是特色高質單一園:
"Verduno is known for its delicate fruit nuances and for the silky and fine sensations that are so carefully revealed in these wines"
"Verduno usually shows many blue flower characteristics"
- Monica Larner

單一園,海拔 330 米,人手採摘,除梗輕柔壓榨,Racking 淋帽,最後在 Slavonian 和 French tonneaux 桶陳熟 24 個月 + 不鏽鋼桶陳熟 12 個月,2017 年產只有3,300枝!

🏅 Wine Advocate 92分:

A release of 3,300 bottles, this wine shows a slightly faded ruby appearance that reflects hot-vintage Nebbiolo. The Pelassa 2017 Barolo San Lorenzo di Verduno is balanced in terms of bouquet and mouthfeel, with wild cherry and dried raspberry aromas that cede to smoke, tar and dusty earth. Barolo from Verduno usually shows many blue flower characteristics, but those are reduced in this dry and hot vintage. However, the tannins show extra grip and astringency that is typical of 2017.

🏅 James Suckling 92分:

A ripe, round red with chewy tannins and lots of smoke and spice. It’s medium-to full-bodied and very structured for the vintage. Fresh acidity. Needs time to soften. Try after 2023.


也可混訂其他酒款 (非風土精選系列),全單滿6支免費送貨上門


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