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Chateau Fontenil 科德尼 Fronsac《醇酒系列》

Chateau Fontenil 科德尼 Fronsac《醇酒系列》

📜 酒款有2011 & 2015年選擇
🌟 神級釀酒顧問 Michel Rolland 自家酒莊
🌟 桶果平衡的新派代表

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Chateau Fontenil 科德尼 Fronsac《醇酒系列》

產區 : Fronsac


葡萄品種 : 90% Merlot,10% Cabernet Sauvignon

🌟 成熟適飲,桶果平衡

🏅 James Suckling 90分: A juicy, fruity wine; Full and rich.

🏅 Robert Parker 89+分: Fontenil is one of the stars of Fronsac in 2011


葡萄品種 : 100% Merlot


🌟 2015 絕佳年份

🏅 James Suckling 93分

🏅 Vinous 92分

🏅 Robert Parker 91分

🏅 Jeb Dunnuck 91分

🏅 Wine Spectator 91 分

🏅 Battane desseauve 17/20

Michel Rolland 詳細介紹

產區Fronsac很多時都會成為專業酒友的尋寶樂園無他的,此明星產區酒質優質穩定,款款有驚喜之餘,仲有無限潛力待發掘而今日這一款 Chateau Fontenil就是酒界為人熟悉的飛行釀酒師Michel Rolland的心血結晶很多酒友都了解過他怎樣不屈服於舊有AOC法規而釀制出頂級好酒的故事但要了解Michel Rolland的精髓,還一定要試試完全屬於他與妻子Danny二人,花了長達30多年自己創業的酒莊 Chateau Fontenil~


 Chateau Fontenil 只有9公頃,兩夫婦於1986年買入,購買酒莊動機原先只係睇上果度間屋和附近的景色,而舊業主隨屋連帶了7公頃的葡萄園一起銷售,兩口子對著一個荒廢的葡萄園忽然來個奇想:「我們實驗室的工作主要幫人釀出好酒,何不自己係屋企釀酒? ,這家前身叫ChateauLe Faure Haut-Normand的葡萄園雜草叢生,甚至連釀酒設備也缺乏,但一切都阻擋不住兩夫婦的熱誠,而且葡萄園本身就有絶佳的風土,老樹、向南日照的坡段、非常適合種植Merlotclay + limestone土壤等等......只需加上Michel大導演的執導和閒閒地十幾年的血淚史,將葡萄園和酒莊重新修葺,增添釀酒設備,完美地結合了傳統的工藝及先進技術小型不銹鋼槽木質酒槽雙層篩選台每年更新60%新橡木桶,採用綠採收 (Green Harvest) 嚴格監控產量️ 結果由Fronsac區一個荒廢葡萄園的出品,來個華麗轉身打入了雲集波爾多頂尖葡萄酒的期貨巿場,而且用親民的價格讓消費者體驗他們夫婦二人多年來的心血

葡萄園平均樹齡達45年,每年只產3500箱酒Michel 的出品就係票房的保証。


建議醒酒時間:先開 1 小時
小編 Jeffrey 實試報告 (2011年份酒):
想說的是其實 Michel 的酒不一定是典型的爆果爆桶,陳熟後也可以很平衡~就好像這款一樣,成熟的黑果是有的,但 40% 新桶帶出的反而是溫和的咖啡和舊傢俬桶香~酒齡帶出的陳熟香亦是主角之一:溫和的豆豉、臘肉咸香,Fronsac 少許的石墨礦物感都有,還有些甘草~入口的綿綿的單寧也是 Michel 的特色,量多但很柔順很幼細~酒體中高,但也反比一般 Merlot 酸度更多一點更平衡,還有 10 秒左右的收尾~是很工整複雜的成熟波爾多!

🏅 James Suckling 90分 (2011年):

A juicy, fruity wine with blackberry and mineral character. Full and rich. Needs two to three years to soften. Better in 2016.

🏅 Robert Parker 89+分 (2011年):

From the husband and wife oenologist team of Michel and Dany Rolland, this blend of 90% Merlot and 10% Cabernet Sauvignon exhibits dark black raspberry and graphite notes intermixed with hints of licorice and blueberries, medium to full-bodied flavors, excellent depth and texture, sweet tannin and adequate acidity. As always, Fontenil is one of the stars of Fronsac in 2011 with the winemaking skills of its owners well-presented. This beautifully crafted, high-class effort needs another year or so to resolve its tannins, and it can be drunk over the next 10+ years.

🏅 James Suckling 93分 (2015年):

Aromas of impeccably ripe cassis, blackberries and dark cherries. Very fruit-focused nose. The palate has a suave array of layered tannins that carry dark-cherry and blueberry flavors. Really pure wine. Try from 2020.

🏅 Vinous 92 (2015年):

The 2015 Fontenil is gorgeous. Inky blue/purplish fruit, lavender, crème de cassis, licorice and spice fill out the wine's plush, resonant frame effortlessly. Racy and yet also wonderfully nuanced, the 2015 is a superb Fontenil. Drink it over the next decade. Tasted two times.

🏅 Robert Parker 91 (2015年):

The 2015 Fontenil is deep garnet-purple in color with crushed red and black currants, black cherries and mulberries notions with an earthy undercurrent of underbrush and truffles plus a waft of tilled soil. The medium to full-bodied palate has bags of purity and minerality with a firm frame of chewy tannins and lively acid line lifting the youthful fruit to a long finish. This should age beautifully!

🏅 Wine Spectator 91分 (2015年):

Solid, with a core of steeped plum and black currant fruit that melds nicely with singed alder and smoldering tobacco notes. Light chalky minerality hangs on the finish, giving this cut and length. Merlot. Drink now through 2025. 3,516 cases made, 500 cases imported. 

🏅 Jeb Dunnuck 91 (2015年):

From the home estate of Michel and Dany Rolland, the 2015 Fontenil is an elegant, fresh, medium-bodied Fronsac excelling on its purity and finesse. Displaying beautiful notes of black fruits, plums, leafy herbs and hints of lead pencil, it has integrated acidity, ripe, moderate tannin, and an impeccably balanced profile that will keep it drinking nicely for at least a decade.

2011年(F121C) $260/支

2015年(F121A) $248/支

可混訂其他酒款, 6支免費送貨上門


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