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Chateau La Vieille Cure 2014, Fronsac 老教堂 《醇酒系列-F173A》

Chateau La Vieille Cure 2014, Fronsac 老教堂 《醇酒系列-F173A》

🌟 Robert Parker認為最強最高性價比Fronsac
🌟 James Suckling亦肯定其酒質與性價比
🌟 著名釀酒顧問Michel Rolland曾任職多年
🌟 車房酒之父Jean Luc Thunevin 2013年接任做釀酒師
🏅 Wilfred Wong of Wine.com 92 pts
🏅 Wine Spectator 92 pts
🏅 James Suckling 91 pts
🏅Jeb Dunnuck 91pts
🏅Wine Enthusiast 90pts

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Chateau La Vieille Cure 2014, Fronsac 老教堂 《醇酒系列-F173A》

產區 : Fronsac

葡萄品種 : 74% Merlot 梅洛、22% Cabernet Franc 品麗珠、4% Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠 

酒精度 : 14%

🌟 Robert Parker認為最強最高性價比Fronsac

🌟 James Suckling亦肯定其酒質與性價比

🌟 著名釀酒顧問Michel Rolland曾任職多年

🌟 車房酒之父Jean Luc Thunevin 2013年接任做釀酒師

🏅 Wilfred Wong of Wine.com 92 pts

🏅 Wine Spectator 92 pts

🏅 James Suckling 91 pts

🏅Jeb Dunnuck 91pts

🏅Wine Enthusiast 90pts

酒莊近代喺1986年被美國主人Colin Ferenbach同Peter Sachs買入後開始新一頁,將酒莊由頭到尾翻新,仲請埋著名釀酒顧問Michel Rolland, 慢慢打造出Robert Parker口中嘅最強最高性價比Fronsac!2013年仲有車房酒之父Jean Luc Thunevin接任做釀酒師,咁強大嘅陣容你一定要試試再進化嘅老教堂!


幾乎在正常年份發揮下都穏袋90分以上,此酒可早飲,而且陳存能力強,一般10-15年絕無問題,風格適合喜歡Full Bodied濃厚酒體既酒友,這莊亦是小編的情意結,由1998年份做到今天的2011年,陪著小編成長,論酒質跑贏好多GCC ,性價比非常高!

🏅 Wine Spectator 92 pts:

Ripe and structured, this sports a vivid core of cassis and plum that races along, with fine-grained structure and light anise, bay and chalk notes hanging in the background. The long finish has cut and drive, with the cassis accent pushing through with determination. Rock-solid. Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon. Best from 2018 through 2026.

🏅 Wilfred Wong of Wine.com 92 pts:

COMMENTARY: I have always been a fan of the wines from Fronsac because they are often some of Bordeaux's best values. The 2014 Château la Vieille Cure is such a wine. TASTING NOTES: It is rich with beautiful black fruit, dried leather, and a hint of oak. The wines almost New World flavors would make it a delectable match with a ribeye.

🏅 James Suckling 91pts:

This is a pretty serious wine for Fronsac with rather bold tannins that are well judged and give the wine warmth, power and ageing potential! Drink or hold.

🏅 Jeb Dunnuck 91pts:

Cut from the same cloth as the 2015, the 2014 La Vieille Cure is a ripe, opulent Fronsac has surprising depth and richness in the vintage. Black cherries, currants, chocolate, truffle and a touch of earthy tobacco emerge from the glass and it has a plump, rounded style, as well as solid underlying tannin. It’s another terrific wine from this consistent and impeccably run estate.

🏅 Wine Enthusiast 90 pts:

With signs of its wood aging that are balanced with firm tannins and concentrated black fruits, this is a solid wine, packed with tannins. There is a touch of dark chocolate as well as the ripe fruit. It is a fine wine


可混訂其他酒款, 6支免費送貨上門


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