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Domaine Thillardon Cru Chenas Coup Double 帝亞東酒莊 2018《 醇酒系列-F922 》

Domaine Thillardon Cru Chenas Coup Double 帝亞東酒莊 2018《 醇酒系列-F922 》

🌟 Wine Advocate 92 pts
🌟 林裕森老師認定區內超班酒莊
🌟 Paul Henri Thillardon " A top notch winemaker " by Neal Martin
🌟 10個 Beaujolais Crus之一 Chenas
🌟 Jancis Robinson 推介自然派新星 Paul-Henri Thillardon

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Domaine Thillardon Cru Chenas Coup Double 2018 帝亞東酒莊《 醇酒系列-F922 

產區/級別 : Crus Chenas 謝納- Beaujolais Cru 

葡萄品類 : Gamay

酒精度 : 12.5% vol

官方網站: http://domainethillardon.simplesite.com/



⭐️ Paul Henri Thillardon " A top notch winemaker " by Neal Martin 

⭐️ 罕有95年法國老籐

⭐️ 10個 Beaujolais Crus之一 Chenas,陳年潛力媲美 Morgon 和 Moulin a Vent 

⭐️ 自然派 Chenas 冒升最快新星釀酒師 Paul-Henri Thillardon

⭐️ Jancis Robinson 推介的釀酒師

🏅 Wine Advocate 92 pts

Domaine Thillardon, the future ofBeaujolais!  是薄若萊的未來 !

Beaujolaishas a future, and estates like that of the Thillardon brothers provide abrilliant illustration. By Christophe Tupinier 

酒莊如 Thillardon 兄弟是薄若萊未來的最佳例證 

By Le Point Vin 編輯 Christophe Tupinier 

Domaine Thillardon介紹






除 Morgon , Moulin a Vent , Fleurie 等名氣 Cru,是時候關注 Chenas !!

「Paul-Henri Thillardon was one of several growers that convened chez Julien Sunier to escort me through his three 2015s. As I remarked in last year’s Beaujolais report, Paul-Henri already has the marks of a top notch winemaker. “We had a lot of maturity [in 2015],” he told me, “and a lot of the fruit came in at over 14 degrees potential alcohol. So we pressed at a higher density, around 150, in order to keep the fruit. Everything underwent a pre-ferment cold maceration. There is a big difference in quantity:40,000 bottles down to 27,000 between 2014 and 2015. I’ll bottle at the end of August.” While the Chénas les Blemonts came across as rather unsettled as a barrel sample, the two other 2015s from the lieu-dit of Chassignol and Moulin-à-Vent will be well worth seeking out, especially the former with its seductive succulent finish. 」 Neal Martin 


Chenas 從前是一遍橡樹林,自1316年起,法王路易十三下令要改種葡萄,從始 Chenas 的酒就成為法王心愛佳釀。Chenas 總面積為242公頃,莊主Paul-Henri Thillardon 自小在葡萄園長大,在葡萄酒學校畢業後,於2008年買下 Chassignol, 5公頃園地,位於 Cru 內較北面。而沒有選擇其長大的地方 Beaujolais 最著名村莊級產區 Moulin a Vent,反而揀上旁邊的 Chenas,亦係十塊 Cru之中最少的一個區。Chenas土質富含粉紅色花崗岩與石英,有部分葡萄藤已是95歲之高齡。認為絕對是更具發揮的舞台作起步。及後 Paul-Henri在附近收購優質葡萄園包括 (Moulin a Vent, Chiroubles ),至現時已擁有合共14公頃園地,並叫來弟弟 Charles 合力打理莊園,不竟自然農耕需要投的時間非常多。亦同時釀製不同酒款 les Carrières, les Blémonts, Chassignol, Les Vibrations, Pet Nat, Raisin Libre, Le Blanc vin de France, Beaujolais Blanc.   



自然派新星釀酒師 Paul-Henri Thillardon

今年才三十多歲的 Paul-Henri Thillardon,在十年前剛從葡萄酒學校畢業後,他就成立屬於自己的酒莊,一開始的自行摸索,或許Paul-Henri本身親和力十足,向不同釀酒師葡萄農誠意學習,不久之後便與以有機種植聞名於 Beaujolais 的 Jean-Louis Dutraive 成為亦師亦友。Jean-Louis Dutraive 帶著 Paul-Henri 進入自然派薄酒萊的圈子,認識了Julie Balagny 等許多人,從此堅定不移地踏上自然派釀酒的路線。酒莊全人手採收,自一開始2008 年便使用有機種植不用除草劑,(而事實上,附近有些園地一遍蕉黃,是不停的使用化學物做成的長期傷害),更引用生物動力化合物和製劑(蕁麻,紫菜,馬尾,海藻)處理,以增強葡萄藤自然防禦機制。又使用兩隻馬匹拉犁來促進土壤通風並讓微生物生活蓬勃發展。在釀酒方便,說得上是自然派,當然是用在地原生酵母,釀酒時不加任何 SO2,裝瓶時只視乎情況,加極少量。最初採用傳統Burgundy去梗長時間浸皮,現在改用全株半碳 semi-carboinc maceration CO2 發酵,Paul-Henri 認為更能表現莊園風土。放桶 6個月- 1年。


Jancis Robinson 推介的釀酒師 Paul-Henri Thillardon 的酒

‘A group of amazing youngsters in the Beaujolais region, who have played an integral part in the elevation of Beaujolais' reputation and quality.’

由於整個 Burgundy 既地都極少出售,就算出售也是天價。除了Beaujolais 是例外所以這十年間,大量新晉優秀的釀酒師在 Beaujolais 追尋自己的葡萄酒之路,而且很多是被受注視,獲酒評家好評。

️ Chenas Coup Double  18年紀念兩兄弟同時榮升做爸爸,而大家同樣都係雙包胎,Coup Double 也解作一箭雙鵰意思!

Wine Advocate 92 pts

As I wrote last year, the 2018 Chénas Coup Double hails from granite and quartz soils in the lieu-dit Beaux Quarts, and its name pays tribute to the fact that both the Thillardon brothers became fathers to twins in this vintage! Much as it did just after bottling, the wine offers up aromas of cherries, red fruit compote, licorice and fennel seed, followed by a medium to full-bodied, velvety and layered palate that's supple and enveloping, with succulent acids and lovely purity of fruit.


可混訂其他酒款, 6支免費送貨上門



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