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Fuligni Brunello di Montalcino 2010 富利尼布魯奈羅葡萄酒《風土系列 - TI1011》

Fuligni Brunello di Montalcino 2010 富利尼布魯奈羅葡萄酒《風土系列 - TI1011》

🏅James Suckling 98 pts
🏅Wine Enthusiast 96 pts
🏅Wine Spectator 92 pts
🏅Vinous 94 pts
🏅Jancis Robinson 17.5/20

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 Fuligni Brunello di Montalcino 2010 富利尼布魯奈羅葡萄酒《風土系列 - TI1011》

產區/級別 : Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 蒙塔希諾·布魯奈羅

葡萄品類 :Sangiovese 桑嬌維塞

酒精度 : %vol

🏅James Suckling 98 pts 

🏅Wine Enthusiast 96 pts

🏅Wine Spectator 92 pts 

🏅Vinous 94 pts

🏅Jancis Robinson 17.5/20

Fuligni是義大利Tuscany地區的老派名莊,Montalcino的純正土著酒莊,1900年起便在此釀酒,距今已經有一百多年的歷史,產區位於蒙塔奇諾布魯奈羅(Brunello di Montalcino,簡稱BdM)這個產區,意酒愛好者應該無人不知無人不曉。作為與巴羅洛(Barolo)、巴巴萊斯克(Barbaresco)媲美的義大利產區,它被大家戲稱為“殺手三B” (Three Killer Bs),在國際上享有著盛譽。


Brunello di Montalcino Fuligni 在最大容量為 60 升的不銹鋼大桶中釀造,這些大桶存放在距離葡萄園幾米遠的恆溫酒窖中。發酵後,葡萄會在果皮上停留一段時間,然後開始蘋果酸乳酸轉化。未來大約四分之一的布魯內羅酒在 5 升 Allier 噸酒中精製,可以讓花青素沉澱下來,而其餘的則在 20 至 30 升的傳統斯拉夫尼亞橡木桶中精製。這些酒桶由歷史悠久的工匠公司精心製作,其中一些保存在 16 世紀 Medicean Palazzo 下方的舊地窖中,該地窖仍然是 Fuligni 家族的住所。

根據規定,Brunello 年份葡萄酒必須精製四年(Brunello 普通),而 Riserva Brunello 需要精製五年(Brunello Riserva)。在木材精製之後,在不銹鋼中精製,然後在瓶中陳釀大約八個月,然後才能將葡萄酒推向市場。

Robert Parker擔任WINE ADVOCATE雜誌主編時曾寫到:“從1983年,FULIGNI 開始生產出色的年份,並且之後的將近25年品質從未下降過。”這是一個極高的評價,Fuligni是傳統BDM醉具代表性的酒莊之一。被認為是能與Salvioni、Cerbaiona和鼎鼎大名的Biondi Santi 比肩的酒莊,同時它也是第一批BDM協會成員之一。

🏅James Suckling 98 pts 

 I really appreciate the dark-berry and burnt-orange aromas that follow through to a full body, very integrated tannins and a ripe, juicy fruit character. Savory, succulent and salty. Hints of chocolate and salted nuts. So juicy and gorgeous. A fabulous red. Drink now but also hold for years ahead.

🏅Wine Enthusiast 96 pts

This opens with aromas of blue flower, red berry, menthol and baking spice. The delicious palate delivers juicy red cherry, crushed plum, cinnamon, white pepper and mineral. Impeccably balanced with polished tannins and freshness, it impresses for its combination of intensity and elegance. *Cellar Selection

🏅Wine Spectator 92 pts 

A bright, spice-laden version, with macerated cherry, strawberry, tobacco and earth flavors. The ample tannins add structure, yet the lasting impression is of sweet fruit and refinement.

🏅Vinous 94 pts 

The 2010 Brunello di Montalcino is all about balance. Remarkably seamless for a young Brunello, the 2010 is also quite expressive and open at this stage, which is one of the signatures of the vintage. Bright red stone fruits, wild flowers and cinnamon are all given an extra kick of intensity and focus from the high acidity of the year. This is a terrific showing from Fuligni.

🏅Jancis Robinson 17.5/20 

Bright red! Light nose is so well melded and non aggressive, it’s like being stroked with a feather. Then the power and dried-leaf tannins build on the end – quite a different structure from many of the other wines – rather Burgundian.


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