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Le Petit Mouton de Mouton Rothschild 2019 Pauillac 武當副牌 《風土系酒款 - TF1176》

Le Petit Mouton de Mouton Rothschild 2019 Pauillac 武當副牌 《風土系酒款 - TF1176》

🌟 1855梅多克列級莊一級莊 Mouton Rothschild 武當副牌
🌟 2019 波爾多靚年 Wine Advocate 對 Pauillac 產區評分96分
🌟 18個月橡木桶熟成,其中50%為新桶
🌟 各大著名酒評家予高度讚賞
🏅 James Suckling 97 pts
🏅 Jeb Dunnuck 95 pts
🏅 Vinous 94 pts
🏅 Decanter 94 pts (Barrel Sample)
🏅 Wine Enthusiast 92-94 pts (Barrel Sample)
🏅 Wine Advocate 92 pts

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Le Petit Mouton de Mouton Rothschild 2019 Pauillac 武當副牌 《風土系酒款 - TF1176》

產區 / 級別:Pauillac 波亞克

葡萄品種:68% Cabernet Sauvignon, 32% Merlot



伸延閱讀:Mouton Rothschild 木桐酒莊

伸延閱讀:Second Label 副牌酒

🌟 1855梅多克列級莊一級莊 Mouton Rothschild 武當副牌

🌟 2019 波爾多靚年 Wine Advocate 對 Pauillac 產區評分96分

🌟 18個月橡木桶熟成,其中50%為新桶

🌟 各大著名酒評家予高度讚賞

This is definitely one of the most seductive Le Petit Mouton releases in recentyears. By Neal Martin

There is nodoubt in my mind that in a previous era, this could have been a First Growth wine. By Antonio Golloni

Just don't tell yourself it's a second wine and you'll think you're drinking the Grand Vin. By Jeb Dunnuck

🏅 James Suckling 97 pts

🏅 Jeb Dunnuck 95 pts

🏅 Vinous 94 pts

🏅 Decanter 94 pts (Barrel Sample)

🏅 Wine Enthusiast 92-94 pts (Barrel Sample)

🏅 Wine Advocate 92 pts

🏅 Wine Spectator 91 pts

🏅 Jancis Robinson 17.5

🏅 Vivino 4.5

Chateau Mouton Rothschild 木桐酒莊位於 Pauillac 產區,又名武當酒莊,在1855分級中,它與 Chateau Lafite Rothschild 拉菲古堡、Chateau Latour 拉圖城堡、Chateau Margaux 瑪歌酒莊和 Chateau Haut-Brion 紅顏容莊園共用一級莊殊榮。

木桐酒莊與 Rothschild 羅斯柴爾德家族結緣於1853年,當時 Baron Nathaniel de Rothschild 男爵希望能用自家的葡萄酒來招待客人,於是便購入了木桐酒莊的前身——Chateau Brane-Mouton 布朗-木桐酒莊,並將其易名為“木桐酒莊”。1922年,Baron Philippe de Rothschild 男爵正式入主木桐酒莊。在1855年波爾多分級中,木桐酒莊被列為二級莊。為了讓木桐在世界頂級酒莊之路更進一步,Philippe 男爵下定決心謀求突破,因此對酒莊進行了多方面革新。

1924年,他開創了酒莊內自行裝瓶的先河,這一決策為葡萄酒界帶來了革命性的轉變,同時引發各地酒莊的紛紛效仿。1926年,他新建長達100米的大型酒窖,以提高酒莊的儲酒能力。此外,Philippe 男爵還致力於把木桐酒莊與藝術緊密聯繫在一起。自1945年起,酒莊幾乎每年都會邀請一位當代藝術家,用其原創藝術作品為木桐酒莊的正牌酒繪製酒標。在 Philippe 男爵的不懈努力之下,木桐酒莊最終於1973年晉升為一級莊,成為迄今為止在1855分級制度中唯一一座破格升級的酒莊。1988年,Philippe 男爵與世長辭,其唯一的女兒 Baronne Philippine de Rothschild 女男爵為此結束演藝生涯並繼續了家族全部事務,繼續引領木桐酒莊及家族公司 Baron Philippe de Rothschild SA 羅斯柴爾德男爵集團向前邁進。

除了繼承父親在美國納帕穀開創的 Opus One 作品一號外,Philippine 女男爵還與智利 Concha y Toro幹露酒莊合資成立了 Almaviva Winery 活靈魂酒莊,讓木桐的精神在世界範圍內發揚光大。不僅如此,Philippine 女男爵曾推出《木桐酒莊,藝術與酒標》(Mouton Rothschild - Paintings for the Labels)巡迴展,向世界各地的公眾展示著名畫家為木桐酒標獻上的原創藝術作品,從而進一步加強木桐酒莊與藝術之間的聯繫。2006年,在佳士得拍賣會上,一組12瓶1945年木桐酒被拍出290000美元,而另一組6瓶同年份大瓶裝(1500ml)也被拍出345000美元高價,成為世界上最貴的葡萄酒收藏品之一。2014年,Philippine 女男爵逝世,她的三位子女——Camille、Philippe 和 Julien 成為酒莊的共同擁有者,三人齊心協力,攜手延續家族的精益求精之路。

木桐酒莊採用現代化方式管理酒莊,他們聘請葡萄種植專家負責監管葡萄園。從葡萄耕種到剪枝疏果,從跟蹤葡萄成熟狀況再到人工採摘,每個環節都力求盡善盡美。時至今日,木桐酒莊已擁有90公頃的葡萄園,其葡萄園大部分位於名為“Plateau de Mouton 木桐高地”的小丘上,由一系列小圓丘構成,海拔高度在40米之間。園內的土質為深層礫石土壤,排水及儲熱性能良好,有利於葡萄緩慢成熟。園內種有81% Cabernet Sauvignon、15% Merlot、3% Cabernet Franc 和1% Petit Verdot,種植密度約為10000株/公頃,葡萄藤的平均樹齡為44年。此外,園內還包含7公頃上好的地塊用以生產高品質白葡萄酒,種有53% Sauvignon Blanc、35% Semillon、11% Sauvignon Gris 以及1% Muscadelle,種植密度為9000株/公頃。


武當副牌 (小木桐) Le Petit Mouton 由男爵的女兒 Philippine de Rothschild 1993年推出,酒標設計靈感來自著名海報畫家 Jean Carlu 的畫作,選用園內較年輕的果實,其採收、釀制和裝瓶等環節均與正牌酒同等對待,演繹著波雅克的雄壯與醇厚。

🏅 James Suckling 97 pts

A luscious red with redcurrant, chocolate, plum and hazelnut. Rather opulent on the nose. Full-bodied and very structured with chewy tannins that are intense and powerful.

🏅 Jeb Dunnuck 95 pts

It reveals a dense ruby/purple hue to go with textbook Pauillac notes of cedar pencil, smoke tobacco, spice box, blackcurrants, and graphite. Deep, rich, medium to full-bodied, and beautifully balanced, it's probably better than many vintages of the Grand Vin. I absolutely love its purity of fruit, balance, and structure. Just don't tell yourself it's a second wine and you'll think you're drinking the Grand Vin.

🏅 Vinous 94 pts

The 2019 Le Petit Mouton clearly retains its bold bouquet of bravura scents of blackberry, blood orange, and touchesof cassis and violet petals, the 50% new oak seamlessly integrated over 18 months. The palate is silky-smooth on theentry, deep and displaying fine grip. This is definitely one of the most seductive Le Petit Mouton releases in recentyears. t tightens a little toward the graphite-tinged finish, so afford it more time in bottle than I originally predictedSuperb. By Neal Martin

The 2019 Le Petit-Mouton is flat-out gorgeous. The energy, tension and delineation here are all first class. There is nodoubt in my mind that in a previous era, this could have been a First Growth wine. Maybe not in a truly great vintagebut certainly in anything less than that. Bright red-toned fruit, rose petal, mint and blood orange all run through the2019, lending notable depth to play off the wine's freshness. I am every bit as excited about the Petit Mouton as I wasen primeur. lt is a fabulous wine in every way. Wow! By Antonio Golloni

🏅 Decanter 94 pts (Barrel Sample)

A very moreish Petit Mouton with plump fruit and clear coffee and mocha beans - a signature of this wine and people who love its unashamed glamour will adore this vintage. It has welcome astringent tannins on the finish and overall this is delicious.

🏅 Wine Enthusiast 92-94 pts (Barrel Sample)

While soft and rich in feel, it offers concentrated flavors of juicy blackberry. The tannins, initially soft, show a core of dryness that balances the acidity.

🏅 Wine Advocate 92 pts

The 2019 Le Petit Mouton is notably serious this year, offering up a rich bouquet of minty berries, cherries, licorice and toasty new oak. Medium to full-bodied, deep and concentrated, with a generous core of fruit, youthfully chewy tannins and a long, sapid finish, it will reward a bit of bottle age.

🏅 Wine Spectator 91 pts

Delivers a juicy core of lightly steeped black currant plum fruit that has a delightfully succulent edge, while hints of dark tobacco, warm earth and iron gently underline the perfumed finish.

🏅 Jancis Robinson 17.5/20 pts

Another second wine loaded with charm. Expressive cassis nose with plenty of lift and freshness. Super touch of tannin, the texture smooth and silky. Good definition as well with plenty of length on the finish.


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