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Pommery Grand Cru Royal Millesime 2009 伯瑞香檳 特級園年份香檳 《風土系酒款 - TF015》

Pommery Grand Cru Royal Millesime 2009 伯瑞香檳 特級園年份香檳 《風土系酒款 - TF015》

🌟 A gift from the gods!
🌟Côte des Blancs 和Montagne de Reims 特級園混釀
🏅 James Suckling 94pts

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Pommery Grand Cru Royal Millesime 2009 伯瑞香檳 特級園年份香檳 《風土系酒款 - TF015》

產區 / 級別 : Côte des Blancs & Montagne de Reims Grand Cru 特級園,Champagne,香檳區

葡萄品種: 50% Chardonnay 莎當妮, 50% Pinot Noir 黑皮諾

酒精度:  12.5%

網站介紹: www.champagnepommery.com

🌟 A gift from the gods!

🌟Côte des Blancs 和Montagne de Reims 特級園混釀

🏅 James Suckling 94pts

Champagne Pommery(伯瑞香檳)坐落於法國香檳產區 Reims 中心,占地50公頃,是 Reims 中心區規模最大的酒莊。

Champagne Pommery酒莊創建於1836年。與眾多傳奇香檳酒莊一樣,該酒莊的歷史也與一位寡婦有關,她就是著名的Louise夫人。Louise夫人的原名 JeanneAlexandrine Louise Melin1858年,年輕的Louise夫人成了寡婦,帶著兩個幼子,毅然打理起丈夫一手創立的ChampagnePommery酒莊。這位奇女子,不僅對酒行的經營有超人的魄力和果斷的決擇,對香檳製作還有著銳意的創新和執著的熱忱,她非常愛好藝術與收藏。


如今,ChampagnePommery酒莊由平易隨和且年輕有為,並癡迷於藝術的Vranken 先生掌管。經過數年的努力,現在的ChampagnePommery已經成為一個響徹全球的香檳品牌,它暢銷全球90多個國家,在法國、德國、義大利、瑞士與日本等眾多國家都被視為最好的香檳酒品牌。

Champagne Pommery擁有地下30米的大教堂和酒窖,建於2000年前羅馬人開鑿的古老石坑上,每個酒窖皆由波馬利夫人命名,Pommery以特別冷的酒窖而自豪,全年溫度為10°C,這有助於葡萄酒在釀造過程中緩慢演變。

A gift from the gods!

The year 2009 has been described by some as a "gift from the gods". Nature offered us an ideal summer : hot, dry and very sunny. Everything was in place to harvest great grapes.

The bunches were in an exceptional state of health, without any deterioration. The juices from this harvest had a natural balance close to perfection. Made from seven of the House's emblematic grands crus, this cuvée is anchored in history by the nobility of its origins.

Tasting notes

EYE:Pale gold with delicate golden hues, a sign of elegance and maturity. Exceptional brilliance. Very fine effervescence.
NOSE:The first notes are floral and sweet, reminiscent of honeysuckle and acacia flower. As it opens up, the wine reveals fruitier nuances of dried figs but also frangipane.
PALATE:Very straight and exceptionally mineral, the structure of the wine is velvety, reminiscent of Champagne chalk. The balance is perfect.

🏅 James Suckling 94 pts

Lovely transparency of fruit here with pear, grapefruit, peach, honey, honeysuckle and lemon-meringue pie. Creamy and layered with very fine bubbles. Balanced and creamy, with a long and supple finish. 50% of chardonnay and 50% pinot noir. 7g/L dosage. Disgorged January 2022. Delicious already. Drink now or hold.


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