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Dom Perignon Champagne Rose Vintage 香檳王 唐培裡儂桃紅香檳《風土系酒款 - TF003 / TF003A / TF003B》

Dom Perignon Champagne Rose Vintage 香檳王 唐培裡儂桃紅香檳《風土系酒款 - TF003 / TF003A / TF003B》

📜 酒款有 2006 & 2008 & 2009 年選擇
🌟 世上最知名的名流貴族香檳
🌟 奠定香檳根基的香檳王
🌟 Robert Parker 世界上最偉大酒款之一
🌟 Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH) 旗下王牌酒款
🌟 只用 Grand Cru 和 著名 Premier Cru 的年份香檳

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[原價$260/支] 加購價$218/支 - JS90分 法國波爾多紅酒 Fontenil 2011 科德尼 - F121C [加購不計入6支成單免運條件]
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Dom Perignon Champagne Rose Vintage 香檳王 唐培裡儂桃紅香檳《風土系酒款 - TF003 / TF003A / TF003B》

產區 / 級別:Champagne 香檳區,France 法國

葡萄品種:Chardonnay 霞多麗,Pinot Noir 黑皮諾


伸延閱讀香檳王 唐培裡儂桃紅香檳

📜 酒款有 2006 & 2008  & 2009 年選擇

🌟 奠定香檳根基的香檳

🌟 世上最知名的名流貴族香檳

🌟 Robert Parker 世界上最偉大酒款之一

🌟 Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH) 旗下王牌酒款

🌟 只用 Grand Cru 和 著名 Premier Cru 的年份香檳

酒精度 : 12.5%

🏅 James Suckling 99 pts

🏅 Wine Advocate 97+ pts

🏅 Wine Spectator 97 pts

🏅 Vinous 97 pts

🏅 Vivino 4.7

酒精度 : 12.5%

🏅 James Suckling 95 pts

🏅 Wine Advocate 95 pts

🏅 Wine Spectator 96 pts

🏅 Vinous 97+ pts

🏅 Vivino 4.6

酒精度 : 12.5%

🏅 James Suckling 97 pts

🏅 Wine Advocate 95 pts

🏅 Wine Spectator 96 pts

🏅 Vinous 98 pts

🏅 Vivino 4.4

Dom Perignon 相信無就算沒有飲開酒的朋友都可能有聽過,甚至被稱為香檳王,一直是知名度最高,最受歡迎的頂級香檳品牌之一。一直是名流貴族的香檳,包括路易十四,瑪麗蓮夢露也對其鍾愛有加,亦是查爾斯三世和黛安娜王妃在 1981 年的婚宴上的指定香檳。也出現在電影 007 和鐵金剛中,和很多流行曲的歌詞中,即使是基本款已經長年獲極高的分數和評語。是必定要認識的香檳代表之一。

故事開始於 1668,一個傳奇的本篤會修道士 Dom Pierre Perignon。當時他是 Hautvillers 修道院的司帳 (Procurator),也負責釀酒部份。他被稱為香檳之父的原因並不是因為他創造了香檳氣酒,其實當時已經有氣酒的生產,但一開始的工藝還不成熟,只是用浸了油的麻布封口,而瓶內也會一直發酵 (也是現在重新流行的 pétillant-naturel (pet nat)),所以當初酒瓶甚至會受不住氣壓而爆開...


1. 能改善種植葡萄的技巧,不同品種萄葡的調配,令黑葡萄亦能成為釀製白酒的原材料之一。

2. 減產以提升葡萄質量

3. 小心處理葡萄以避免破皮氧化

4. 輕柔壓榨以減低單寧的粹取

Moet Chandon 集團在 1937 年買入 Dom Perignon 這個名字,用以命名他們頂級的出品,但從 1947 開始 Dom Perignon 就分出來獨立生產。在 1983 年 收歸 LV 的母公司 Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH),更顯其高端的品牌地位。


Dom Perignon 只用比例相約的 Chardonnay 和 Pinot Noir 釀造年份香檳,取自 9 個葡萄園,Chardonnay 來自 Chouilly、Cramant、Avize、Le Mesnil-sur-Orger;Pinot Noir 來自 Hautvillers、Bouzy、Ay、Verzenay 和 Mailly-Champagne。葡萄除了 Hautvillers 一級園之外全數採自 Grand Cru 特級園。不過 Hautvillers 即是修道院的所在之處,其地位和品質已超越分級~

Dom Perignon 也有釀造粉紅香檳,第一個年份是 1959 年,直到 1971 年古波斯王朝成立 2500 年的紀念典禮上才真正問世,也是只做年份香檳,產量僅佔 4%。而 Dom Perignon 前首席釀酒師 Richard Geoffroy 說過:“Dom Perignon Rose is the JEWEL of Dom Perignon”。

只出年份香檳亦表示 Dom Perignon 不是每年都生產,由其在天氣不穩的香檳區,只要不合格就會放棄生產... 要知道的是雖然 Dom Perignon 從不透露產量,但近年 Decanter 或其他媒體猜測年產只少都上百萬瓶,甚至估計能高達五百萬瓶,數量之大容易令人懷疑其質素,相信不透露就是怕因此影響形象。但承接回上題,相對棄產就是一年要放棄五百萬瓶的成品,加上長年的頂級分數和形象,相信香檳王的稱號也夠說服力吧。

Dom Perignon 基本的年份香檳陳熟時間已經長達 8 年,但除了年份香檳外,Dom Perignon 還生產一個陳熟期更長的頂級系列 Plenitude (1998 年前為 Oenothèque),連同 Rose 一共 4 款,其中 "P2" 為陳熟約 15 年,包括至少 12 年 on lees。而 P3 則是最頂級的,陳熟 30-40 年,包括至少 20 年 on lees,P3 Winesearcher 均價達 $40000,P3 Rose 更高達 $50000 多,Dom Perignon 最終真正成為最頂級的葡萄酒之一。 

現任首席釀酒師 Vincent Chaperon

近年從 1990 年擔任首席釀酒師的 Richard Geoffroy 榮休,在 2019 年將重任交捧給一起共事了 13 個採收的 Vincent Chaperon。Vincent 在 1999 年已經加入 Moet,在 2005 年真正加入 Dom Perignon 團隊。經驗豐富的他相信只會帶領香檳王更上一層樓~


🏅 James Suckling 95 pts

Loads of complexity on offer here, from brioche to dried peaches to strawberries and cream and on to rhubarb fool, pomegranate pastries and bread crumbs. The mousse is wonderfully integrated to the edgy peaches and notes that feather the finest line between oxidation and reduction. Very layered and linear, this is an incredibly long and mind-bending Champagne.

🏅 Wine Advocate 95 pts

The 2006 Dom Pérignon Rosé continues to show very well, unfurling in the glass with aromas of bitter orange, dried white flowers, red berries, toast and woodsmoke. On the palate, it's full-bodied, broad and muscular, with all the phenolic structure and depth that one would expect from a rosé that contains more than 20% still red wine, concluding with a sapid and chalky finish. As I wrote earlier this year, this is a vinous, gastronomic rosé that numbers among the decided successes of the 2006 vintage.

🏅 Wine Spectator 96 pts

This graceful 2006 shows lovely freshness, featuring a pronounced note of pink grapefruit granita layered with finely detailed accents of toasted nut, lemon thyme, smoky mineral and crystallized honey. Plushly creamy in texture, with a steely streak of acidity well-knit throughout and firming the lasting, spiced finish. Drink now through 2029.

🏅 Wine Spectator 97+ pts

The 2006 Dom Pérignon Rosé is every bit as captivating as it was last year, maybe even more so. At times powerful, but in other moments finessed, the 2006 constantly changes in the glass, revealing a different shade of its personality with every taste. Perhaps most importantly, the 2006 seems to have gained a level of precision and pure sophistication it did not show last year, when it was quite a bit less put together. Back then, the 2006 was a wine of tremendous potential; today that potential is starting to be realized. Quite simply, the 2006 Dom Pérignon Rosé is a magical Champagne. Don't miss it.


🏅 James Suckling 99 pts

This is a super Champagne with roses, strawberries and orange peel on the nose but then it's medium-boded with a raciness and beauty. 

🏅 Wine Advocate 97+ pts

The 2008 Dom Pérignon Rosé continues to drink brilliantly, exhibiting aromas of orange, red berries, pear, pastry, spices and some smoke with time in the glass. Full-bodied, charming, broad and fleshy, with pristine balance, it’s a seamless, complete and vinous Champagne of compelling purity and maturity.

🏅 Wine Spectator 97 pts

An impeccably balanced and graceful sparkling rosé, with a plushly creamy mousse. It's hard to tell where the firm spine of well-honed acidity and the expressive range of pureed raspberry, candied ginger, tangerine and lemon thyme flavors begin or end. A rich hint of smoky toasted brioche plays on the finish. Drink now through 2033.

🏅 Wine Spectator 97 pts

The 2008 Dom Pérignon Rosé is magnificent. Rich and deep in the glass, the 2008 offers up an exotic mélange of aromas and flavors. Sweet red cherry. mint, orange peel and rose petal all grace this beguiling beauty. Bright acids and a little less still red Pinot (21%) than in most recent editions yields a Rosé that is delicate and light on its feet, with less of the vinous intensity that marked vintages such as 2006. There is a classic feeling of austerity in the 2018 that is mesmerizing. (Originolly published in May 2021)


🏅 James Suckling 97 pts

Peaches, fresh crushed strawberries and roses on the nose. Full-bodied and generous. Fine tannins that frame the wine beautifully and set it up for a fresh finish. Some fruit tea and cedar undertones. Enticing finish with hints of bitterness. Savory.

🏅 Wine Advocate 95 pts

In comparison to the charming, pure 2008 Dom Pérignon Rosé, the 2009 Dom Pérignon Rosé possesses a ripe, dense bouquet with aromas of dark berries, licorice, dried white flowers, toast and pastry, enhanced by delicate, racy smoky hints. Full-bodied, broad and rich, it’s dense and phenolic due to the approximately 15% still red wine sourced from grapes planted in the villages of Hautvilliers, Aÿ and Bouzy, culminating in a protracted, sapid and chalky finish. Although already thoroughly enjoyable, it should age well over the next 10 years. This blend of 56% Pinot Noir and 44% Chardonnay was disgorged in March 2022 with a dosage of five grams per liter.

🏅 Wine Spectator 96 pts

A lovely rosé Champagne that waltzes gracefully across the palate, belying the concentrated range of macerated raspberry and strawberry, candied blood orange peel, toast and saffron notes carried on the elegant, satiny mousse. Long and fresh, with minerally smoke and oyster shell accents on the focused finish. Drink now through 2035.

🏅 Wine Spectator 97 pts

The 2009 Dom Pérignon Rosé marks a return to a richer style of Rosé following the more ethereal 2008 Rosé. Sweet red cherry, blood orange, spice and pomegranate all build in a creamy, sensual DP Rose that hits all the right spots. Over the last few years, Chef de Caves Vincent Chaperon and his team have lowered the still Pinot portion of the Rosé down to about 10% from a high of 28% or so, reached around 2004 and 2005. In 2009, the Rosé gains considerable textural presence from the generosity of the year. It is a superb Champagne. I preferred it to the 2008, which was also part of this tasting.

$2580/支 (2006年)

$2480/支 (2008年)

$2788/支 (2009年)

也可混訂其他酒款 (非風土精選系列),全單滿6支免費送貨上門


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