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Castellare di Castellina Chianti Classico Riserva Il Poggiale《醇酒系列 - I126B/C》

Castellare di Castellina Chianti Classico Riserva Il Poggiale《醇酒系列 - I126B/C》

📜 酒款有 2019 & 2020 年選擇

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Castellare di Castellina Chianti Classico Riserva Il Poggiale 《醇酒系列 - I126B/C》

產區:Chianti Classico DOCG, Toscana

葡萄品類 : 90% Sangioveto 桑嬌維塞、5% Canaiolo 卡內奧羅、5% Ciliegiolo 塞立吉洛

酒精度 : 13.5%vol



酒精度 : 13.5%

🏅 Vivino: 4.1/5 stars

🏅 James Suckling 93 pts

🏅 Decanter 93pts

🏅 Wine Enthusiast 92 pts

🏅 Wine Spectator 90 pts

酒精度 : 14.5%

🏅 James Suckling 93 pts
🏅 Wine Spectator 90 pts
🏅 Wine Advocate 92 pts
🏅 Wine Enthusiast 91 pts
🏅 Vivino 4.2

酒莊伸延閱讀 : http://link.winecouple.hk/Castellare-Di-Castellina

此酒款是來自ChiantiClassico 中心的Castellina有名的單一葡萄園 (Single Vineyard) - Il Poggiale,也是酒莊自己所獨有的葡萄園。Il Poggiale葡萄園海拔為350-400米,土壤為石灰石,當中的三塊葡萄田分別種植了Tuscany的本土品種Sangioveto、Canaiolo和Ciliegiolo,也是此酒款的三款混釀葡萄。Single Vinyard單一葡萄園被公認為能孕育出酒莊最靚葡萄之地,此酒不但屬於Riserva級別,葡萄更來自Single Vineyard,酒質高人一等,絕對是酒莊中的皇者酒款。


葡萄是Sangioveto,即Sangiovese的Clone,再加其餘兩款意大利原生葡萄Canaiolo(卡內奧羅) 與Ciliegiolo (塞立吉洛)。Canaiolo 有柔化強勁的Sangiovese的作用,而Ciliegiolo,在意大利語裏有”櫻桃” 的意思,混入葡萄酒裡的確能提升葡萄酒櫻桃的水果香氣,令整支酒很吸引及平易近人。Ciliegiolo 也有著柔化Sangiovese的作用,能令酒體變得濃郁飽滿及帶出更多誘人氣息。     ️酒款為Riserva級別,跟據Chianti Classico法規,需要有80%或以上Sangiovese以及上市前需要有24個月陳熟期。葡萄經人工採收後,會在28度溫控不鏽鋼桶內發酵,接著在小型法國橡木桶(20%為新桶) 陳熟12-18個月,後在瓶中熟化12個月才裝瓶上市。



櫻桃紅酒色,帶著車厘子、覆盆子、漿果以及紫羅蘭及薰衣草花香,香氣集中兼外發。入口酒體飽滿兼濃郁,帶感受到果的新鮮,帶黑加倫子、皮革、西梅、香料及礦物之味。抖氣90分鐘後單寧變得柔順,酒體也帶更多層次,整體酸度良好,酒質細緻優雅,餘韻細長。此酒款具相當陳存能力,可飲可陳。   來自單一葡萄園的CCR,請不要錯過!


🏅James Suckling 93 pts

Strawberries, pomegranates, lemons, acacia flowers, cinnamon and sweet spices on the nose. Medium-bodied with crunchy acidity and lightly chewy tannins. Zesty and fresh with excellent drinkability. Drink now or hold.

🏅Decanter 93pts

Castellare make two Riserva: ‘Il Poggiale’ is a single-parcel bottling while 'Castellare di Castellina' is selected from multiple plots between 350 to 400 metres. Produced since 1979, this has discreet floral scents, fused with vanilla, tobacco and leather. There's plenty of substance to the palate, but it remains buoyant: dark forest berries are hemmed in by supple layered tannins. Satisfying right to the end, with a persistent finish of fennel and spice.

🏅Wine Enthusiast 92 pts

Sleek and savory, this lovely red made with 90% Sangiovese, 5% Canaiolo and 5% Colorino offers scents of wild berries, crushed mint, fragrant blue flowers and baking spice. The lithe, elegant palate features juicy Marasca cherry, star anise and spearmint framed in polished tannins. It closes on a dollop of vanilla. 

🏅Wine Spectator 90 pts

A light-bodied, juicy red marked by dusty cherry and raspberry aromas and flavors. Firm and lively, with a line of tannins emerging on the long finish. Sangioveto, Canaiolo and Ciliegiolo. 


🏅James Suckling 93 pts

Dense aromas of dark plums and black fruit on the nose, as well as some aromatic oak. Medium-bodied with a lovely core of fruit-soaked, velvety tannins, providing good focus and length. This is pleasant to drink now, but will age nicely, too. Drink or hold.

🏅Wine Spectator 93 pts

Rich and evoking cherry, raspberry, iron and spice flavors, this red is backed by vibrant acidity and dense tannins. Balanced and brimming with energy on the long finish. Should hit its stride in two to three more years. Sangioveto, Canaiolo and Ciliegiolo. Best from 2025 through 2043.

🏅 Wine Advocate 92 pts

This release of 15,000 bottles is among the most pleasantly accessible wines in this portfolio from Castellare di Castellina. The 2020 Chianti Classico Riserva Il Poggiale shows soft fruit, cherry, blue flower and sweet potting soil. The wine is texturally rich but not heavy, and these native Italian grapes always have a lot of fresh acidity on offer, even in a vintage like 2020 that was characterized by hot summer weather.

🏅Wine Enthusiast 91 pts

Fresh and cooked cherries soaked in vibrant aromas of blood orange on the nose recall a cherry tart that is fully realized on the palate, with notes of vanilla and chocolate and a velvety texture that lingers on the palate.

$268/支 (2019年)

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