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Chateau Suduiraut 2016 Sauternes 1er Cru Classe (375ml) 旭金堡蘇玳一級列級莊貴腐甜酒《醇酒系列 - FH020C》

Chateau Suduiraut 2016 Sauternes 1er Cru Classe (375ml) 旭金堡蘇玳一級列級莊貴腐甜酒《醇酒系列 - FH020C》

🌟蘇玳一級列級莊貴腐甜酒 Sauternes 1er Cru classe
🏅Vinous 97
🏅Wine Enthusiast 97
🏅Wine Advocate 95
🏅Jeb Dunnuck 95
🏅James Suckling 95
🏅Wine Spectator 93
🏅Vivino 4.1

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Chateau Suduiraut 2016 Sauternes 1er Cru classe (375ml) 蘇玳一級列級莊貴腐甜酒旭金堡《醇酒系列 - FH020C》

🌟蘇玳一級列級莊貴腐甜酒 Sauternes 1er Cru classe

🏅Wine Enthusiast 97 pts

🏅Wine Advocate 95 pts

🏅Jeb Dunnuck 95 pts

🏅James Suckling 95 pts

🏅Wine Spectator 93 pts

🏅Vinous 92+

🏅Vivino 4.1

Chateau Suduiraut 歷史悠久,1580已經建立,及後在動亂中不幸地被焚燬,在17世紀時重建,1855年Sauternes的分級制度建立,Chateau Suduiraut 被評為1er Cru classé,即第2高的等級,(其實最高等級只有一間,就是Chateau d’Yquem),實力無需懷疑。現時Chateau Suduiraut由釀酒師 Pierre Montégut 及釀酒顧問 Eric Boissenot 打理。


世界上僅有少數地區擁有釀造貴腐酒的條件,首先葡萄園必須有天然貴腐(Botrytis cinerea),在葡萄成熟的季節,因為空氣中的濕氣,貴腐附著在葡萄上生長,貴腐黴菌穿透葡萄的皮層,鑽出小孔再將果肉水分吸出,而當葡萄萎縮成類似葡萄乾時,水份消失,留下濃縮如蜂蜜糖汁般的汁液!但重點是黴菌需要空氣中足夠的水份才能滋長,但接下來要有乾燥氣候來輪替使葡萄裡的水份得以蒸發,過高的溫度會導致黴菌死亡;如果忽然失去水份,黴菌就會無秩序地滋長,造成葡萄皮破裂,使得葡萄汁流出,黴菌和醋酸菌大肆入侵,讓ㄧ整年的努力毀於一旦。而乾縮的貴腐葡萄,平均每株葡萄樹只能提供100ml的量,所以一瓶375ml的貴腐酒,需要用掉4棵樹的果實。說滴滴珍貴,還不足以形容貴腐酒需要這「天、地、人」相互配合的寶貴。

🏅Vinous 97
The 2016 Suduiraut is fabulous. Creme brdlée, passion fruit, tangerine peel and exotic floral notes all race out of theglass. l marvel at how Suduiraut can deliver so much flavor intensity and yet remain so gracious and classy. The 140grams of residual sugar are very well integrated. This is such a gorgeous wine.

🏅Wine Enthusiast 97 pts
This is a dense wine, full of rich fruit, bitter orange and apricot. Its ripe fruit is balanced by the intense botrytis while it is also freshened by the wine's acidity. This is a great wine with a long-term future.

🏅Wine Advocate 95 pts
Pale lemon in color, the 2016 Suduiraut rocks up out of the glass with notes of honey-drizzled peaches, lime cordial and orange oil plus wafts of lanolin, pie crust and crushed rocks. The palate packs a wallop with intense flavor layers and a gorgeous texture, finishing with fantastic freshness.

🏅Jeb Dunnuck 95 pts
As to the Sauternes, the 2016 Château Suduiraut boasts a medium gold color and a fresh, clean, beautifully perfumed bouquet of orange blossom, honeyed pineapple, and flowers, with notable botrytis, which can be lacking in a number of Sauternes in 2016. With moderate acidity, a fleshy, full-bodied texture, and loads of fruits, it’s geared more toward drinking over the coming 10-15 years than any over-the-top cellaring.

🏅James Suckling 95 pts
A very concentrated Sauternes with a cornucopia of dried papaya, pineapple and mango, plus candied orange and tropical flowers that bowl you over. Although it stays in the background, there’s great acidity in this wine that keeps it very straight and clean, in spite of the luscious extravagance. Bright, citrusy finish.

🏅Wine Spectator 93 pts
This is a powerful style, with a mix of creamed pear, fig, papaya and persimmon flavors liberally laced with crème brûlée and orange blossom honey notes, through a ginger-tinged finish. In line with the vintage's forward persona, but this has notably more breadth and depth than most of its peers.

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