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Chateau Coutet Barsac Premier Cru 古岱莊園 巴薩克一級莊貴腐甜酒《風土系酒款》

Chateau Coutet Barsac Premier Cru 古岱莊園 巴薩克一級莊貴腐甜酒《風土系酒款》

📜 酒款有 1988, 2006 & 2009 年選擇
🌟 Sauternes & Barsac Premiers Cru Classe in 1855
🌟 2017年度Wine Spectator top 100 酒莊Coutet 2014獲得第三名
🌟 Chateau Mouton Rothschild 木桐酒莊提供技術諮詢

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[原價$158] 加購價$128 - 法國知名產區Saint-Estephe 波爾多紅酒 2017 - F875 [加購酒款不計入6支成單免運條件]
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[原價$316/2支] 加購價$198/2支 - 意大利DOCG紅酒 2支 - I048B x 2 [加購酒款不計入6支成單免運條件]
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[原價$260/支] 加購價$218/支 - JS90分 法國波爾多紅酒 Fontenil 2011 科德尼 - F121C [加購不計入6支成單免運條件]
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Chateau Coutet Barsac Premier Cru 古岱莊園 巴薩克一級莊貴腐甜酒《風土系酒款》

產區 : Sauternes-Barsac 蘇玳-巴薩克 

葡萄品種 : 75%Semillon 賽美蓉 , 23% Sauvignon Blanc 長相思 , 2% Muscadelle 密斯卡岱



🌟 Sauternes & Barsac Premiers Cru Classe in 1855 

🌟 2017年度Wine Spectator top 100 酒莊Coutet 2014獲得第三名

🌟 Chateau Mouton Rothschild 木桐酒莊提供技術諮詢

(2009 年份)

酒精度 : 14%vol

🏅Wine Advocate 96 pts

🏅James Suckling 96 pts

🏅Decanter 96 pts

🏅Wine Spectator 95 pts

🏅Wine Enthusiast 94 pts

🏅Vinous 92 pts

🏅Vivino 4.3

(1988 年份)

酒精度 : 13.5%vol

(2006 年份)

酒精度 : 14%vol
🏅Wine Enthusiast 95 pts
🏅Vinous 94 pts
🏅Wine Spectator 94 pts
🏅Wine Advocate 93 pts
🏅Jancis Robinson 17/20 pts
🏅Vivino 4.2

Coutet 古岱是 Barsac 地區釀酒歷史最古老的酒莊之一,在1855年蘇玳和巴薩克葡萄酒評級中古岱莊園被評為一級酒莊。1643年,Charles Le Guerin 成為酒莊的擁有者,在他的管理下,成為蘇玳產區首批葡萄園之一。直至1788年,酒莊一直由他的後代繼承,期間酒莊所產的葡萄酒被後來的美國第三任總統 Thomas Jefferson 譽為 Barsac 產區最優秀的蘇玳葡萄酒。經過 Lur Saluces 家族超過一個多世紀的持有,如今 Coutet 古岱城堡酒莊由 Philippe 和 Dominique Baly 擁有並負責管理,而 Baron Philippe de Rothschild S.A (菲利普·羅斯查爾德男爵有限公司) 提供技術和商業合作,並負責整個酒莊葡萄酒的獨家銷售。

葡萄園面積為38.5公頃,平均樹齡為35年,7500 株每公頃種植密度,地處“金三角”的絕佳葡萄園位置,西面是大西洋,東面是加龍河,南面是大蘭德斯森林,海洋和河流為葡萄園帶來持續不斷的霧氣,這樣的環境容易滋生 Botrytis Cinerea 貴腐菌。園內的主要土壤是黏土和石灰岩,有良好的保水性,土壤的溫度也相對較低,因此,在這種土壤上種植的葡萄成熟期會更長,更有利於產出風味豐富、酒體飽滿的葡萄酒。2010年比以往更乾燥、更冷,9月中旬的降雨使得貴腐菌迅速遍佈葡萄園,完美地覆蓋著蝕穿葡萄果皮,整個收穫過程中,陽光充裕,伴隨著北風,使果實中的水分在午後得以蒸發出去,進而濃縮葡萄的糖分、酸和風味物質。手工採收後,嚴格挑選出符合要求的葡萄,篩選後的葡萄經過壓榨後,進入橡木桶中進行酒精發酵,之後於100%新法國橡木桶陳年18個月。


🏅Wine Advocate 96 pts

Pale to medium gold colored, the 2009 Coutet leaps from the glass with warm apple pie, dried mango, fresh straw, lemongrass, ginger and crème caramel notes. The rich, concentrated, unctuous flavors are lifted by amazing freshness, finishing epically long, layered and with a tantalizing nuttiness.

🏅James Suckling 96 pts

A triumph for the vintage with spices, dried mushroom, dried pineapple, peaches, and honey. Full and sweet with bright acidity and a long, intense finish. Powerful wine. This could be the best Coutet ever.

🏅Decanter 96 pts

On clay over limestone soils, relatively cool compared to Sauternes, this has a purity and freshness that is striking and moreish. Full of the quince, candied orange, truffle, apricot and lemon curd that you hope for in a quality sweet Bordeaux, coupled with lime blossom, ginger and citrus zest adding poise and character.

🏅Wine Spectator 95 pts

Very lightly toasty, this is more floral for now, with lively honeysuckle and pineapple notes up front, giving way to richer hints of warm brioche, fig, glazed pear and lemon shortbread that should emerge more with time. The long, lacy finish has the poise and balance for long-term cellaring.

🏅Wine Enthusiast 94 pts

Dense and rich, this wine has concentrated flavors of botrytis and floral honey. The wine gives the impression of sweetness, with balancing acidity and a core of dryness. Weighty and dense, it's likely to age. 

🏅Vinous 92 pts

The palate is well balanced with an unctuous texture with fine acidity. This is not dissimilar to the 2009 Doisy-Daëne whereby there is much more quality in the mouth than on the nose, finishing with a detailed, stem ginger and pineapple tinged finish that is very appealing. I suspect this will improve in bottle. 


🏅Wine Enthusiast 95 pts

It is the poise, the elegance of Coutet that shows so well in this delicious wine. It is ripe, with layers of apricot and peach, lifted with spice and an over-arching sweet acidity that gives the wine a wonderful, heart-stopping lift.

🏅Vinous 94 pts

Medium yellow-gold. Restrained aromas of peach and spices offer good lift. Very ripe and thick, with strong acidity leavening the fruit salad flavors. Finishes with a strong, saline impression of extract and excellent persistence.

🏅Wine Spectator 94 pts

Almost as excellent as the 2003. There's intense botrytis spice on the nose, with lemon peel and dried pineapple. Full-bodied, superspicy and intense. Extremely racy. A beautiful wine.

🏅Wine Advocate 93 pts

The 2006 Coutet has plenty of quince and marmalade scents on the nose, a subtle nuttiness underneath, perhaps a touch of passion fruit. The palate is medium-bodied with harmonious citrus-fresh peach and quince notes. This is very harmonious and focused, driven by a killer line of acidity, and the finish exudes tension and precision. This is a great Barsac from the Coutet team and it will deliver pleasure for many years yet.

🏅Jancis Robinson 17/20 pts

Very neutral nose - sweet and heavy and perhaps just embryonic. Tingly sweet richness but a bit wild and unreconstructed. Very round texture and pretty impressive concentration. No shortage of sweetness. Acidity not in excess. Powerful and certainly a bit of wild beast. Long and powerful. Arguably one of the longest lived here.

$498/支 (2009)
$330/支 (2006)
$520/支 (1988)
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