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Pagodes de Cos 2018 高斯副牌 Saint Estephe (375ml) 《醇酒系列 - FH147》

Pagodes de Cos 2018 高斯副牌 Saint Estephe (375ml) 《醇酒系列 - FH147》

🌟2級莊 Chateau Cos d'Estournel 副牌
🌟酒莊榮登Robert Parker世界最偉大的155間酒莊之一
🏅Wine Advocate 93+ pts
🏅James Suckling 95 pts
🏅Wine Spectator 92 pts
🏅Vinous 92 pts
🏅Wine Enthusiast 94 pts
🏅Decanter 92 pts
🏅Jeb Dunnuck 92 pts
🏅Jancis Robinson 17/20 pts
🏅Vivino 4.2

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Pagodes de Cos 2018 高斯副牌 Saint Estephe (375ml) 《醇酒系列 - FH147》

產區:Saint Estephe 聖埃斯泰夫

葡萄品種: 54% Cabernet Sauvignon,37% Merlot,6% Petit Verdot,3% Cabernet Franc

酒精度 : 14.5%

網站 : https://www.estournel.com/en/cos/wines-pagodes-de-cos/#menu-lang

莊主:Michel Reybier

詳細 Chateau Cos d’Estournel 愛士圖酒莊 資料

伸延閱讀:Second Label 副牌酒

🌟酒莊榮登Robert Parker世界最偉大的155間酒莊之一

🌟2級莊 Chateau Cos d'Estournel 副牌

🏅Wine Advocate 93+ pts

🏅James Suckling 95 pts

🏅Wine Spectator 92 pts

🏅Vinous 92 pts

🏅Wine Enthusiast 94 pts

🏅Decanter 92 pts

🏅Jeb Dunnuck 92 pts

🏅Jancis Robinson 17/20 pts

🏅Vivino 4.2

💁🏻‍ Chateau Cos d’Estournel 名列二級酒莊,素有“Saint Estephe酒王”之美譽,被很多酒評家稱為質量可躋身一級的超二級莊!而酒莊也同時榮登Robert Parker世界最偉大的155間酒莊之一💓

雖位於Saint Estephe,事實上離Pauillac很近,跟知名的Chateau Lafite拉菲酒莊可說是緊鄰相接。Logo上的那個R,代表著2000年接手經營的瑞士銀行家Michel Reybier。但也有另一種有趣的說法,這個R同時也象徵Return-希望Cos「回到」過去酒價曾是Chateau Lafite兩倍的光榮時期😂😂

🔍 Les Pagodes de Cos是它的副牌酒,是來自相同葡萄園,有著同樣的血統,在波爾多屬於頂尖的副牌酒。酒的風格比起其他 St - Estephe 酒莊更加的圓厚豐滿。釀酒師刻意的把Merlot和Cabernet Sauvignon用上相若的比例混調,再加添才許Cabernet Franc 和Petit Verdot以增加其複雜性。因此釀出來的葡萄酒在強勁結實中亦不失圓潤豐滿的特質,就像是結合了頂級的 Pomerol 和 Medoc 一樣👍👍


🏅Wine Advocate 93+ pts

Deep garnet-purple in color, it bursts from the glass with bold notions of Morello cherries, blackcurrant pastilles, plum preserves and spice cake with suggestions of pencil shavings and bouquet garni.  Medium to full-bodied, the palate is jam-packed with spicy black fruits, framed by velvety tannins and seamless freshness, finishing on a lingering savory note.

🏅James Suckling 95 pts

Pure aromas of currants, plums, cherries and Spanish cedar follow through to a full body with super concentration of fruit, yet forever polished and long. A cylinder of wonderfully ripe fruit and tannins goes on for minutes.

🏅Wine Spectator 92 pts

This has some alluring fruit, with a mix of creamed plum and loganberry infused with singed woodspice and alder notes. Stylish, with a flash of dark earth on the otherwise polished finish.

🏅Vinous 92 pts

The 2018 Les Pagodes de Cos is racy and punchy in the glass. Dark red cherry, red plum, spice, blood orange and dried herbs and cedar meld together. The 2018 really needs a good bit of air to open. I suspect it is still in a period of closure after bottling. 

🏅Wine Enthusiast 94 pts

This latest release has richness and luscious black fruits that dominate the underlying firmer tannic structure. It is a proper second wine in the sense that it will age well over the medium term, giving drinking pleasure from 2024.

🏅Decanter 92 pts

Ripe fruits of fig and damson that could do with a little more juice in between but this has lots of tannins and lots of black fruits concentrated with St-Estèphe power.

🏅Jeb Dunnuck 92 pts

A young, unevolved yet beautifully pure bouquet of cassis, graphite, damp earth, and cedar gives way to a medium to full-bodied, concentrated, yet fresh, focused Saint-Estèphe that will benefit from 3-5 years of bottle age, and I've no doubt it will still be drinking nicely at age 20. While a lot of second wines are made in a more up-front, charming, ready-to-go style, this has a more serious, age-worthy vibe.

🏅Jancis Robinson 17/20 pts

Barrel sample, Dark core with purple rim. Sweeter and spicier than the Goulée (Cos's Médoc wine) just tasted. Bramble and mulberry fragrance. Excellent freshness and finesse in the tannins, dry, compact but lifted by the scented fruit and unusual brightness. Powerful and chalky on the finish. Very good balance already. Long and classy.

可混訂其他酒款, 6支免費送貨上門


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