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Chateau Carbonnieux Rouge 2020卡本尼爾堡紅酒, Pessac Leognan 《風土系酒款-TF984A》

Chateau Carbonnieux Rouge 2020卡本尼爾堡紅酒, Pessac Leognan 《風土系酒款-TF984A》

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Chateau Carbonnieux 2020年高分之作只有6間酒莊紅酒與白酒同樣是Crus Classes de Graves

Chateau Carbonnieux Rouge 2020 卡本尼爾堡, Pessac Leognan 《風土系酒款-TF984A》

產區 : Pessac-Leognan 佩薩克-雷奧良
葡萄品種 : 49% Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠、45% Merlot 梅洛、2%Cabernet Franc 品麗珠、4%Petit Verdot 小維多
酒精度 : 14.5%

🏅James Suckling 95 pts

🏅Jeb Dunnuck 94 pts

🏅Vinous 92 pts
🏅Wine Advocate 92 pts

🔎ChâteauCarbonnieux卡本尼爾堡是位於格拉夫(Graves)產區的列級酒莊(Crus Classés de Graves)1953年,波爾多格拉夫(Graves)產區設立了自己的分級制度,評選出了16家列級酒莊,Graves的分級制度是按紅白酒分開去評審📝,酒莊的紅酒入選了列級莊級數,不等於他的白酒也必然是列級莊,當時,紅白酒都能入選成為列級莊的酒莊,只有6間,Château Carbonnieux卡本尼爾堡就是其中一間同時入選的酒莊👏🏻👏🏻(當然Château Haut-Brion亦都是其中一間),格拉夫的分級制度一直都現在都沒有什麼大改變,優良的傳統一直留存下來。

💁‍♀️Chateau Carbonnieux 是波爾多最古老的產業,而且是整個 Graves區面積最大的列級酒莊,位於 Pessac Leognon 的東部。葡萄園具有多種土壤類型,以深厚貧瘠的礫石層最為典型。酒莊是該產區最早採摘葡萄的酒莊之一,為了保証果實最好的質量﹐酒莊要求每塊地都必須單獨採摘。
在80年代中期,酒莊還請來了波爾多白酒之父Denis Dubourdieu教授擔任顧問。追開我地Wine Couple Post都對Denis Dubourdieu不會陌生,他一生致力於葡萄、種植和釀造方式的科學研究。30年來的研究累積,影響力遍及全世界,他同時身兼多家酒莊的釀酒顧問,例如法國知名酒莊Château d’Yquem(滴金酒莊)、Château Cheval Blanc(白馬堡)。Chateau Carbonnieux 請了Denis做顧問,令酒質更加進一步提升。2015年份更是代表之作👍

🏅 James Suckling 95 pts
Blackcurrants, raspberries, crushed stone, bark, and dark mushroom. Licorice, too. Full-bodied with chewy tannins that are minerally and intense. Tangy undertone with plenty going on. Very structured. Solid wine from this estate. Best after 2027.

🏅 Jeb Dunnuck 94 pts

From a region that excelled in 2020, the 2020 Château Carbonnieux sports a deep purple hue to go with a killer bouquet of ripe blackcurrants, leafy tobacco, scorched earth, and graphite. It's rich, concentrated, and medium to full-bodied on the palate, with a beautiful mid-palate as well as building, ripe tannins. This stunning effort warrants 3-4 years of bottle age and will evolve for 10-15 years in cold cellars.

🏅 Vinous 94 pts

The 2020 Carbonnieux is a dark, brooding beauty. Black cherry, gravel, incense, tobacco, smoke, mocha and cured meats build as this deep, layered Pessac-Léognan shows off its considerable personality. I would give the tannins a few years to soften. The mix of fruit richness and energy is compelling.

🏅 Wine Advocate 92 pts

The 2020 Carbonnieux has turned out nicely, like its white counterpart, exhibiting aromas of plums, cassis and cherries mingled with hints of pencil shavings. Medium to full-bodied, rich and gourmand, with powdery tannins and a succulent core of fruit, it's an elegant effort from this large Pessac estate.


各位酒友如果有興趣想舖道 Graves 區的分級制度和更多 Graves 區列級莊的資料

可瀏覽 Crus classé de Graves 格拉芙列級莊 這文章


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