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Chateau La Rose Perriere 2018, Lussac Saint-Emilion 皮耶黑玫瑰 《醇酒系列-F171B》

Chateau La Rose Perriere 2018, Lussac Saint-Emilion 皮耶黑玫瑰 《醇酒系列-F171B》

🏅Wine Advocate 92+ pts
🏅James Suckling 91- 92 pts
🏅Vinous 91 pts
🏅Jeb Dunnuck 91-94pts
🏅Falstaff 91 pts
🏅Jeannie Cho Lee 90 pts
🏅Vivino 3.9星

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Chateau La Rose Perriere 2018, Lussac Saint-Emilion 皮耶黑玫瑰 《醇酒系列-F171B》

產區/級別 : Lussac Saint-Emilion 呂薩克-聖埃美隆

葡萄品類 : 90% Merlot 梅洛、10% Cabernet Franc 品麗珠

酒精度 : 14.5%vol

🏅Wine Advocate 92+ pts

🏅James Suckling 91- 92 pts

🏅Vinous 91 pts

🏅Jeb Dunnuck 91-94pts

🏅Falstaff 91 pts

🏅Jeannie Cho Lee 90 pts

🏅Vivino 3.9星

🔎在釀酒界裡,有的釀酒師來自世襲的釀酒家族,有的無師自通,有的則來自其他行業半途出家,講起呢位莊主Jean-Luc Sylvain 雖是從事另一行業,卻一生跟葡萄酒有著不可分割的關係,在1996年取得「Craftsman of the year」,他是一名極具名氣的「桶匠」,創立了SARL Tonnellerie Sylvain,由最初負責維修橡木桶的小工廠到知名生產橡木桶的公司,而為了制作世界最好的橡木桶,需要經常接觸眾多酒莊的釀酒師,與他們交流,對釀酒工藝有深入的研究,尤其他的公司靠近Saint Emilion,令他充份掌握了當地的風土和葡萄Merlot 品種的特性,Jean-Luc 一生致力研究和改良自己的產品無疑跟協助釀酒師提升葡萄酒的品質劃上等號,從他多年制桶的經驗,發現用超過350年樹齡的法國橡木制桶能令葡萄酒的層次變得更為復雜,於時購入了法國中部的橡樹林地,為自己公司的橡木桶出品提供上等的原材料。

在2003年 Jean-Luc Sylvain 更踏前一步,購入這家14公頃位於Lussac村的小葡萄園,翻新了酒莊設施和葡萄園,平均樹齡30-45年, 從發酵用的500 L木桶到陳熟的,都是來自自家出品的 Sylvain橡木桶,對現今橡木桶在釀酒業佔極重要因素情況下,無疑就是有大靠山,難怪酒莊名氣不大,品質水平卻那麼高、是小編的心水推薦

正如Jean-Luc所講: ” A good cooper must understand the wine maker’s problems and be able to provide appropriate solutions.” 他的酒莊 La Rose Perriere 無疑就是一條龍式的私人實驗室,令他的「橡木桶」跟「葡萄酒 」完美結合,孕育出最佳的結晶品。

葡萄比例是90% Merlot和10% Cabernet Franc,初次見面以為她是溫文爾雅,原來經深入認識後卻是外柔內剛,酒體是豐郁澎湃,並不是我們想像一般右岸Merlot為主的那種輕柔風格。用上平均樹齡45以上,全人手採收,放在500升的法國橡木桶陳熟18個月,每年產量只有兩萬多瓶的小酒莊,在心底裡認為此酒質卻遠勝很多名莊的副牌。


一開瓶已有很出色的香氣,新年份就是果感滿滿,杯裡混著紅苺果醬、黑加倫子、西梅、石墨及紫羅蘭花香。入口夠Fresh,整體活潑,酸度良好適中。經1小時抖氣後,酒體變得更厚身一點,能感受到更多味道如李子,漿果、甘草、香料、咖啡、皮革和橡木的氣息,集中度高,餘韻不錯,一個飯局3-4小時絕對能撐到最後,這款是小編 wine list其中之一,誠意推薦。


🏅Vinous 91 pts

The 2018 La Rose Perrière has come together beautifully since I last tasted it.Rich, deep and sumptuous, the 2018 possesses terrific depth and density from start to finish. Inky dark fruit chocolate, licorice, spice, lavender and mentho build as this expansive, creamy Lussac-Saint-Émilion opens up over time. I would give the2018 a few years in bottle, as there is some new oak tannin that could use time to fully integrate. This is a terrific showing from proprietor Jean- Luc Sylvain.

🏅James Suckling 91- 92 pts

Blueberry, blackberry and walnut character to this, giving it a multidimensional vibe. Medium body and chewy tannins. Flavorful finish.

🏅Wine Advocate 92+ pts

Deep garnet-purple in color, the 2018 La Rose Perriere hits the ground running with a gorgeous perfume of Black Forest cake, ripe, juicy plums, blackberry preserves and lilacs, plus suggestions of licorice, pencil shavings, cedar chest and fragrant earth. The rich, sumptuous, full-bodied palate is still wearing a little oak, delivering ripe, velvety tannins and fantastic freshness, finishing long with loads of earth and mineral layers. Give it 3-4 years for the oak to fully marry and for the nuances to fan out, then drink it over the next 15 years or more.



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