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Chateau Marquis d'Alesme 2016 碧加侯爵酒莊 Margaux 三級莊《風土系列 - TF1081》

Chateau Marquis d'Alesme 2016 碧加侯爵酒莊 Margaux 三級莊《風土系列 - TF1081》

⭐1855波爾多評級列級酒莊第三級酒莊 (Third Growths Grand Cru Classes)
⭐大師級飛行釀酒師 Michel Rolland 加持
⭐2016年世紀年份Wine Advocate同給予 2016年Margaux產區97分
🏅Wine Advocate 96 pts
🏅Vinous 94 pts
🏅James Sucking 93 pts
🏅Wine Spectator 92 pts

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[原價$260/支] 加購價$218/支 - JS90分 法國波爾多紅酒 Fontenil 2011 科德尼 - F121C [加購不計入6支成單免運條件]
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Chateau Marquis d'Alesme 2016 碧加侯爵酒莊 Margaux 三級莊《風土系列 - TF1081》

產區: 瑪歌 Margaux, 波爾多 Bordeaux

品種: 60% 赤霞珠 Cabernet Sauvignon, 30% 梅洛 Merlot, 7% 品麗珠 Cabernet franc3% 小維多 Petit Verdot

酒精度: 14%

網站: https://www.marquisdalesme.wine/en/home


⭐1855波爾多評級列級酒莊第三級酒莊 (Third Growths Grand Cru Classes)


⭐大師級飛行釀酒師 Michel Rolland 加持 


⭐2016年世紀年份Wine Advocate同給予 2016年Margaux產區97分

🏅Wine Advocate 96 pts

🏅Vinous 94 pts

🏅James Sucking 93 pts

🏅Wine Spectator 92 pts

📝 酒莊喺1938年俾嚟自阿爾薩斯嘅Zuger家族收購,家族喺之後嘅1955年都收購咗另一間Margaux三級名莊Malescot並管理至今,而Marquis d'Alesme就一直都平平淡淡🚶🏻‍♂️仲喺2006年將Marquis d'Alesme賣咗俾Perrodo 家族。雖然Malescot而家做得好好但一啲都唔可惜! 

Perrodo 家族同時擁有另一間Margaux莊 Labegorce👨🏻‍🌾個女Nathalie Perrodo接手後品質大躍進🤩 Nathalie 將所有嘢大翻新🏰首先將酒莊名刪走Becker令大家更易記🤣👌🏻 去到酒莊硬件到葡萄園品種比例,仲請埋曾經一堆名莊如右岸一級莊Angelus同Ausone做釀酒顧問嘅Michel Rolland 加強技術💪🏻 2015年嘅採收期正正係酒莊完成大翻新嘅時候,相信可以即刻感受到部份翻新後嘅改進✨2016年仲開始全面有機種植同實驗生物動力法😍

分數上都明顯睇得出從2010後開始翻新後就升一個班,喺Robert Parker 由徘徊係八十幾分甚至七字頭,去到近幾年閒閒地都92-3分甚至上到96分🤩 重點係酒價都仲未上去,係難得喺價格咁敏感嘅波爾多嘅寶藏💎✨

📝 60%新桶陳熟18個月,頭3個月on lees

🏅Wine Advocate 96 pts

Deep garnet-purple colored, the 2016 Marquis d'Alesme Becker leaps from the glass with gregarious notions of plum preserves, crème de cassis and Black Forest cake with hints of potpourri, star anise, menthol and tapenade. Full, rich, firm and grainy, with fantastic freshness lifting the densely packed palate, it has a long, beautifully fragrant finish.

🏅Vinous 94 pts

The 2016 Marquis d'Alesme Becker is going to need a few years to come into its own, but there is no question it has turned out beautifully. Espresso, savory herb, licorice, mint and raspberry jam build in a resonant, expressive Margaux that speaks with a real sense of distinction.

🏅James Sucking 93 pts

Ripe and fragrant nose that says Margaux loud and clear. Then comes the rather concentrated and powerful palate, where the supple tannins build nicely. Needs some time for them to resolve.

🏅Wine Spectator 92 pts

Alluring, with a core of warmed plum sauce and black currant paste flavors, melding with incense, black tea and alder notes. Shows a velvety texture on the finish and a perfumy echo as the fruit lingers gently.




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