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Clos Puy Arnaud 皮阿努酒莊 2014, Grand Vin, 卡斯蒂永波爾多丘 Castillon Cotes de Bordeaux《醇酒系列 - F708》

Clos Puy Arnaud 皮阿努酒莊 2014, Grand Vin, 卡斯蒂永波爾多丘 Castillon Cotes de Bordeaux《醇酒系列 - F708》

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【波爾多低調產區Castillon Cotes de Bordeaux❗ 隱世小莊💥頂級質素】

Clos Puy Arnaud 皮阿努酒莊 2014, Grand Vin, Castillon Cotes de Bordeaux 《醇酒系列 - F708》

產區 : Castillon, Cotes de Bordeaux 卡斯蒂永, 波爾多丘
葡萄品種 : 70% Merlot 梅洛、25% Cabernet Franc 品麗珠、5% Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠
酒精度 : 14%
莊主: Thierry Valette
耕作方式: 生物動力法
醒酒時間: 45 - 60分鐘

🏅Vinous 92 pts

🏅Wine Enthusiast 91 pts

🏅Wine Advocate 90 pts

🏅Wine Spectator 88-91 pts

💁🏻‍♂️Clos Puy Arnaud位於Castillon,Cotes de Bordeaux 但酒莊座落於得天獨厚嘅位置,在波爾多右岸產區Saint Emilion東邊僅2公里, 風土條件十分優越和理想, 風土特性整體上同Saint Emilion雷同, 所以不少喜好Saint Emilion區的發燒友都會係Castillon區發掘到低調又好飲 性價比極高嘅靚酒 當中梗係包括我地呢支🤗 Clos Puy Arnaud! 絕對係 “平靚正之選”🥳


📖連波爾多專家Stephen Brook 都曾在書中👍🏻大讚佢地酒莊嘅質素同穩定度 ✨“It is often better than the first wines from many other estates in the region.”✨


👨🏻‍🌾莊主Thierry Valette 2000年起就擁有呢個酒莊, 佢醉心釀造優質嘅紅酒而佢亦深深明白到釀造葡萄酒不但是一門精巧講究👨🏻‍🔬數據的學問更可以是一樣追求浪漫有詩意的技藝❣️

與此同時, Thierry Valette深信 農業是奠定文化的基礎AGRICULTURE ISTHE BASIS OF CULTURE” 呢個道理

因此佢深深地相信農業和商業是城市平衡發展不可或缺的重要因素 正正因為噉2001年起他的葡萄園已經全面轉用生物動力法, 更於2006年起獲得生物動力法最高級別的🏆DEMETER認證

佢相信🌕生物動力法可以幫到🌱植發展得更健康, 不但能夠茁壯成長更能達至靈性的發展令🍇果實和🍃土壤得到更🈵全面的發展, 從而釀造出更出色嘅紅酒

大家又不妨試下呢支波爾多產區少有實踐生物動力法嘅紅酒啦 一齊感受下呢支受到莊主先生Thierry Valette悉心打造嘅酒係咪"靈"捨不同❗️飲落特別有"靈"性呢‼️

🔎葡萄園:擁有獨特“風土”,整個莊園80%的區域處於高原,其特是被當地人稱為“ calcaireastéries的土層這是層薄薄堅硬的石灰石。其餘的20%位於高原以下的斜坡上。海拔在75100米之間,座向優良,通風良好,整日也能接觸陽光。葡萄園的葡萄栽培既是有機的(AB標籤)又是生物動力的(BiodyvinDemeter標籤)。



📝 實試報告:🍷鮮艷的寶石紅色,剛下杯已散發出迷人的乾花香氣和成熟櫻唇,布冧,酸梅等等果香!🍇再配以層層遞進的大地和泥土氣色,這絕對是生物動力法葡萄酒的一大特色!開瓶約30分鐘後,桶陳氣息更加突出,有陣陣咖啡,茶葉,朱古力,皮革和辛香料香氣.漸漸出現些吸引的花香和獨特的咸香礦物感.酒質絲滑且優雅"showing great finesse",單寧幼細,酸度精細為整體平衡度生色不少!加上悠長的味韻!表現絕對討好!令人印象十分深刻! 🥳                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

🏅Vinous 92 pts

The 2014 Clos Puy Arnaud is terrific. Sweet red cherry, wild flowers, mint and white pepper give the wine a level of aromatic dimension that it did not show when it was in barrel. Silky, perfumed and exceptionally polished, the 2014 is simply impeccable today. A rush of dark red cherry and pomegranate fruit adds the closing shades of nuance in this striking, understated red. Clos Puy Arnaud is one of the sleepers of the vintage. 

🏅Wine Enthusiast 91 pts

Owner Thierry Valette has been around the Right Bank (the family owned Pavie and owns Troplong Mondot) and, as a consultant, the world. Here he offers a delicious juicy wine with fine tannins and ripe red fruits. It has mint and spice perfumes along with balanced acidity. Drink this attractive wine from 2018.

🏅Wine Advocate 90 pts

The 2014 Clos Puy Arnaud has a ripe and pure bouquet with black cherries, iodine and violet aromas that do not holdback...and nor do you want them to. The palate is well balanced with succulent ripe black cherry and raspberry fruit, a crisp line of acidity, citrus fresh with a pretty finish. I love the hint of blood orange on the aftertaste! This is a cut above its peers and comes recommended.

🏅Wine Spectator 88-91 pts

Very fresh, with lively acidity evident from the start, carrying bright cherry, plum and raspberry coulis notes. Features along, savory- and mineral-accented finish. 2,400 cases made.


可混訂其他酒款, 6支免費送貨上門


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