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Chateau Potensac 2015 波坦薩酒莊 Medoc《醇酒系列 - F639B》

Chateau Potensac 2015 波坦薩酒莊 Medoc《醇酒系列 - F639B》

⭐超二級莊-雄獅酒莊(Chateau Léoville-Las Cases)旗下
🏅Wine Advocate 91 pts
🏅James Suckling 92 pts
🏅Wine Spectator 90 pts
🏅Wine Enthusiast 90 pts
🏅Decanter 90 pts
🏅Vivion 4.0

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Chateau Potensac 2015 波坦薩酒莊 Medoc《醇酒系列 - F639B》

產區 : Medoc 梅多克

葡萄品種 : 梅洛 Merlot 45 % / 赤霞珠 Cabernet Sauvignon 38 % 品麗珠 Cabernet Franc 17 % 

酒精度 :  13.5%

Owner:Michel Delon&Jean-Huber

超二級莊-雄獅酒莊(Chateau Léoville-Las Cases)旗下
🏅Wine Advocate 91 pts
🏅James Suckling 92 pts
🏅Wine Spectator 90 pts
🏅Wine Enthusiast 90 pts
🏅Decanter 90 pts
🏅Vivion 4.0

克羅波坦薩酒莊(Chateau Potensac)位於法國Bordeaux左岸的Medoc產區。當年曾是9家特級中級莊(Cru Bourgeois Exceptionnel)之一,可惜該制度被取消,該酒莊酒標上也就只能取消“特級中級莊(Cru Bourgeois Exceptionnel)”的標識。  

波坦薩酒莊的歷史至今無從考究,只知其首任主人為Liquard家族,後來Liquard家族與擁有波爾多另一著名酒莊雄獅酒莊(Chateau Léoville-Las Cases)的德龍家族(Delon)聯婚,該酒莊亦由此傳至德龍(Delon)家族手中。酒莊曾受贏得許多酒商的喜愛,在1855年的評級之前曾被認為能達到五級甚至四級酒莊的水準,可惜在真正酒莊評級中卻最終遺憾,直到1932年被評為“特級中級莊”才彌補了些許遺憾,體現了酒莊的潛力。自1970年代中期以後,在米歇爾•德龍(Michel Delon)後期和他兒子(自2000年至今)Jean-Huber的強大領導和啟發之下,在品質飛增的酒莊排行中,該酒莊名列前茅。該酒莊所擁有的龐大的葡萄園,生產出的葡萄酒品質遠高於在梅多克可找到的其他葡萄酒,這些精彩的葡萄酒是德龍家族和酒窖主人米歇爾•偌朗共同努力的禮物。  

目前,波坦薩酒莊由3個葡萄園組成,土壤為左岸熟悉的衝擊石渣與一些紅色粘土,以前該酒莊主要以種植赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)為主,不過近年來所種植的梅洛(Merlot)比例也大增,已超過赤霞珠和品麗珠(Cabernet Franc)的種植比列。總面積達到53公頃,葡萄種植比例為60%赤霞珠、25%梅洛(Merlot)和15%品麗珠,平均年產量達到25,000箱。酒莊在挑選葡萄時要求近乎苛刻,每年平均只有40%-45%的葡萄能用於製造正牌酒Chateau Potensac,其餘未達到要求只能釀造副牌La Chapelle de Potensac,在釀造環節,葡萄經人手採摘之後進入大不銹鋼桶中發酵,經蛋清過濾後放置橡木桶中進一步陳釀。發酵用的橡木桶有30%為新製造,剩餘70%來自雄獅酒莊。  

波坦薩酒莊在2003年的中級莊列表中被列為“特級中級莊”,酒莊的出色表現至今令眾多酒客將其與寶捷酒莊(Chateau Poujeaux)等人氣中級莊列為一起,其酒體風格偏向傳統古典,單寧結實集中,層次感豐厚,深受消費者的喜歡。

🏅Wine Advocate 91 pts
The 2015 Potensac is a blend of 45% Merlot, 38% Cabernet Sauvignon and 17% Cabernet Franc that was cropped at 50 hl/ha, and raised in one-third new oak. There is a sense of airiness on the nose: small dark cherries, crème de cassis and crushed strawberry, pretty and nicely focused. The palate is medium-bodied with edgy tannin, fresh and citrus in style, just a touch of reduction towards the finish, but they will blow off by the time it is in bottle. I would have just preferred more persistence on the finish, but otherwise this is a decent Potensac.

🏅James Suckling 92 pts
A clarity and transparency to this pretty red with currant, lemon-peel and lemon-grass character. Full body, very fine tannins and a pretty texture. Precise wine.

🏅Wine Spectator 90 pts
Pepper, savory and bay leaf notes lead the way, with a core of medium-weight cassis and cherry flavors. A tobacco hint and chalky minerality extend the finish, which has a pleasant austerity. A touch reticent in style, but will age well. Best from 2020 through 2028.

🏅Wine Enthusiast 90 pts
While this wine has plenty of ripe tannins, the delicious blackberry fruit speaks loudest. Ripe, full and with a fine line of acidity, it is gently structured and likely to age well. 

🏅Decanter 90 pts
Concentrated cassis fruit – more class than expected, and will show very well. The best Beaumont so far.


可混訂其他酒款, 6支免費送貨上門


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