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『根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。』 “Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”



『根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。』 “Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”


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加拿大冰酒 (Icewine/Eiswein)

冰酒 (Icewine/德文Eiswein) 顧問思義就係用結咗冰嘅葡萄釀出嘅酒~喺歐洲各地甚至去到美國、日本都有蹤影,但可以從最出名嘅最大出口國加拿大講起~

加拿大咁北嘅位置係接近種葡萄嘅極限緯度(由其British Columbia區),所以夠凍令幾乎每一年都出產到冰酒,亦係點解加拿大冰酒咁出名嘅一大原因~

雖然加拿大普遍可以話係cool climate(生長季平均氣溫16.5度以下),但加拿大咁大嘅區域,唔同產區都有唔同緯度同風土,一概而論係有啲太簡單化同武斷,由其Continental climate大陸性氣候嘅加拿大冬天雖然可以凍到-20度,但夏天都可以熱到30度以上...
不過冰酒都基本上可以喺加拿大所有產區生產到,包括有British Columbia, Niagara Peninsula, Quebec同Nova Scotia. 而比較凍嘅Niagara Peninsula佔咗當中嘅8成,係一大產區~

冰酒早喺羅馬時代已經有蹤影,但真正有紀錄嘅係1829年喺德國Rheinhessen釀出,嗰時只係諗住留啲葡萄喺樹上餵動物,結果就發現水份結冰之後,葡萄係咁集中咁高質!但當時因為種種嘅限制令冰酒產量一路都好低... 例如天氣條件、動物會食、壓榨設備嘅不足等等...

去到19世紀中後期冰酒先開始逐漸有穩定嘅生產,因為當時慢慢出現唔同嘅發明例如便攜式發電機嘅照明裝置(有助於喺凌晨天寒地凍時採收葡萄),塑料薄膜去保護葡萄唔畀動物食等... 所以加拿大雖然係比較新興嘅產區,但因為釀酒過程嘅各種挑戰令工藝同科技都係業界嘅尖端!
而加拿大冰酒從1991年開始喺國際上得到肯定,Inniskillin 雲嶺酒莊嘅Karl Kaiser喺1984年開始用網保護葡萄,成功釀出雲嶺第一枝Videl冰酒,而就係以1989年嘅Videl冰酒贏到Vinexpo嘅Grand Prix d'Honneur大獎!

第一個年份嘅1984 Inniskillin Eiswein

Vidal 係加拿大嘅招牌葡萄,由其喺冰酒方面,係一隻Hybrid葡萄(兩個唔同Vitis葡萄屬嘅葡萄雜交而成),父母係Ugni blanc(Trebbiano Toscano)同Hybrid葡萄Rayon d'Or(Seibel 4986).




冰酒亦可以用Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Gewürztraminer做,

甚至比較少嘅Semillion, Seyval blanc, Kerner, Chenin blanc, Pinot blanc, Ehrenfelser, Merlot, Pinot noir, Syrah, Sangiovese等


1. 法例規定要喺-8°C葡萄結冰嘅情況下採收,所以採收亦都會喺夜晚進行(必須喺上午10點之前),亦要選擇健康嘅葡萄,避免唔熟同貴腐感染(當然唔可以強行令葡萄結冰,否則唔可以標Icewine出售)

2. 喺壓榨過程中溫度都必須保持喺-8℃以下

3. 殘留糖必須達到125克/升,唔可以加糖

冰酒亦都可以有sparkling版,亦係Inniskillin 1998年首次做出~


可以睇睇Wine Advocate酒評Mark Squires對冰酒嘅睇法:
Wines like this tend to hold rather well. I have generally pegged them at around 15 years for aging ability, more or less. That's a placeholder. Don't be surprised if some do better, but at that point there would need to be a reevaluation. For one thing, they do change character dramatically as they age, becoming more concentrated and less lush. Some may prefer that (I do), but you're not wrong to like them young. They don't really need much aging. There is no wrong answer. Just don't drink any of them too warm.

亦可以簡單介紹埋加拿大分級VQA(Vintners Quality Alliance), 類似法國嘅AOC, 對釀酒唔同部份都有嚴格規定,例如葡萄品種、產地、產量、糖分、添加物(e.g. 加糖加酸)、甚至包裝,亦會有隨機抽樣測試,係質量嘅保證~

加拿大分級VQA(Vintners Quality Alliance)


Inniskillin Gold Vidal Oak Aged Icewine 2018 雲嶺金牌威代爾橡木桶陳釀冰酒 Niagara Peninsula 《風土系酒款 - TCA001》

Kessler Silvaner Eiswein Icewine 2018 凱薩西萬尼白冰酒 Rheinhessen 《醇酒系列 - G025》

Inniskillin Inniskillin Sparkling Vidal Icewine 2017 (375 ml) 雲嶺威代爾有氣冰酒 Niagara Peninsula 《風土系酒款 - TCA002》