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Catena Zapata Adrianna Vineyard Mundus Bacillus Terrae Malbec 2018 卡帝那沙巴達阿德里安娜葡萄園馬貝克紅酒《風土系列 - TAR002》

Catena Zapata Adrianna Vineyard Mundus Bacillus Terrae Malbec 2018 卡帝那沙巴達阿德里安娜葡萄園馬貝克紅酒《風土系列 - TAR002》

🌟阿根廷頂流酒莊Catena Zapata出品
🌟來自Adrianna Vineyard的頂尖酒款
🏅James Suckling 98pts
🏅The Wine Advocate 98pts
🏅Tim Atkin MW 97pts
🏅Vinous 97pts
🏅Vivino 4.6
🌟酒莊獲取 World’s Best Vineyards 2023 - #1
🌟酒莊獲取 The World’s Most Admired Wine Brands 2023 - #2

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Catena Zapata Adrianna Vineyard Mundus Bacillus Terrae Malbec 2018 卡帝那沙巴達阿德里安娜葡萄園馬貝克紅酒《風土系列 - TAR002》

產區 / 級別 : Mendoza, Argentina 門多薩, 阿根廷

葡萄品種 : 100% Malbec 馬貝克

酒精度 :  13.5% vol

網站介紹: https://catenazapata.com/mundus-bacillus-terrae-2018.php

延伸閱讀: Catena Zapata — 阿根廷酒王

🌟阿根廷頂流酒莊Catena Zapata出品

🌟來自Adrianna Vineyard的頂尖酒款




🏅James Suckling 98pts

🏅The Wine Advocate 98pts

🏅Tim Atkin MW 97pts

🏅Vinous 97pts

🏅Vivino 4.6

🌟酒莊獲取 World’s Best Vineyards 2023 - #1

🌟酒莊獲取 The World’s Most Admired Wine Brands 2023 - #2

1898年,Catena家族的先祖Nicola Catena從意大利來到阿根廷門多薩(Mendoza),並於1902年在此地開闢了第一塊種植馬貝克Malbec葡萄園,並建立了傳承四代的家族酒莊。他的兒子Domingo隨後擴大了酒莊的業務,直到Catena家族成為門多薩最大的葡萄園持有者之一。Domingo的兒子Nicolas Catena Zapata擁有經濟學博士學位,於20世紀60年代中期繼承了家族產業。


1980 年代,Nicolas Catena在加州學習釀酒技術,因此受到加州葡萄酒產業致力於提升品質的理念影響,決定帶著葡萄園的管理技術、最新釀造技術、法國橡木桶及不鏽鋼槽帶回家鄉阿根廷,並以阿根廷的潛力新星葡萄品種馬貝克 Malbec 作為發展重點,期望能在門多薩產出世界級佳釀。


1990 年代,Nicolas Catena 挑戰前往從未種植過葡萄的高海拔地區開墾葡萄園,以小女兒的名字「Adrianna(阿德里安娜) 命名。高海拔地區溫度較低卻有較強日照,種植出的葡萄品質優良,也深深影響葡萄酒的風味,釀造出擁有平衡、集中度良好且具有獨特品種風味的傑出酒款。最值得一提的是,2001 年酒莊參加了在英國舉辦的第十屆葡萄酒比賽,其中參賽的有法國五大頂級酒莊 Château LatourChâteau Haut - Brion 等以及加州頂級酒,最後 Catena Zapata 的酒款總評為第一名,奠定了卡帝那沙巴達酒莊在世界舞台稱霸的地位,成為阿根廷葡萄酒的驕傲。


世界最具權威葡萄酒專家 Robert Parker 也在其出版的《The World’s Greatest Wine Estates》書中將 Catena Zapata 列為唯一入選的阿根廷酒莊。Decanter雜誌更將 Nicolas Catena Zapata 酒款置於封面,列為新世界偶像酒的巨星酒款。Catena Zapata 同時更是法國頂級酒莊 Château Lafite Rothschild 正式的合作夥伴,酒莊的國際地位早已獲得同行專業人士的肯定。


1995年,莊主女兒Laura Catena加入了父親的行列並成為第四代莊主,致力於實現父親要做就做最好的,不然就不做的夢想。通過自身的學術背景和為了更好地了解葡萄園的風土條件,Laura成立了卡帝娜葡萄酒研究所(Catena Institute of Wine)。秉持著清晰的願景,她帶領團隊分析阿德里安那葡萄園內每個獨特的地塊,重新葡萄藤的管理方式作了細微調整。在她的指導下,五款屢獲殊榮的優質葡萄酒現足以代表了阿根廷最好的葡萄酒,也代表了世界上最好的葡萄酒。


🏅JamesSuckling 98pts

This is a really deep, decadent red,showing incredibly rich black soil, black olives and violets. Full body andrich tannins that exude power and intensity. Lots of white pepper and blackfruit in the aftertaste. Extremely persistent. This is a bottle for the cellar.


🏅TheWine Advocate 98pts

The 2018 Adrianna Vineyard Mundus BacillusTerrae started with a marked creamy and lactic note, reflecting a very youngand tender wine that started with a lot of malic acid. It has lower alcohol andhigher acidity than the other two Adrianna bottlings; it's vibrant and lively,nicely textured and surprisingly fresh. The creamy and lactic note disappearedafter some time in the glass, giving way to fresher notes, almost citrus. Theyhave also done a selection of individual plants, discarding some plants inlower parts, and the wine has gained in precision and freshness. They used ahigh percentage of full clusters and fermented it in concrete with indigenousyeasts and matured it in used oak barrels for 18 months. In 2018, the threeAdrianna bottlings have more defined character; the differences are more markedthan in a year like 2017. This has to be among the finest vintages for theMundus Bacillus Terrae. 4,800 bottles were filled.


🏅Tim AtkinMW 97pts

Named after the bacteria that inhabit theAdrianna Vineyard, this brilliant red is the pick of the Catena Malbecs rightnow. Sourced from Lot 3, on alluvial and calcium carbonate soils, it’s racy,refreshing, detailed and very fine, with lovely precision and balance, somepepper spice from 60% whole bunches, red berry and bramble fruit and a long,nuanced, palate cleansing finish.


🏅Vinous 97pts

Mundus Bacillus Terrae is a parcel ofMalbec whose name pays homage to the rhizobacteria that live in symbiosis withthe vines at 1,450 meters in the Adrianna vineyard. Three-quarters of the wineis fermented in concrete and the rest in foudres, followed by 18 months inFrench oak. The nose features violets and lavender with subdued notes of redfruit, but the wine only properly comes out in the mouth. It is pure texturewith nervous tension and ripe but gentle, very Malbec-ish tannins that don’timpede the flow. The magic of this wine lies in its uniqueness, both in termsof style and as an approach to the variety. It is the questions it raises thatmake it truly compelling.


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