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Chateau Cap de Faugeres卡富爵酒莊 Castillon-Cotes de Bordeaux 《醇酒系列》

Chateau Cap de Faugeres卡富爵酒莊 Castillon-Cotes de Bordeaux 《醇酒系列》

【Always one of the top Côtes de Castillons."- Robert Parker】
🏅Wine Advocate 90 pts
🏅James Suckling 90-91pts
🏅Decanter 91pts

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Chateau Cap de Faugeres 2016 富爵酒莊 Castillon-Cotes de Bordeaux 《醇酒系列-F238》

產區 : Castillon-Cotes de Bordeaux AOC

葡萄品種 : 85% Merlot、10% Cabernet Franc 、5% Cabernet Sauvignon


🏅Wine Advocate 91 pt

🏅James Suckling 90-91 pt
🏅Decanter 91 pt

Chateau Cap de Faugeres 2018 富爵酒莊 Castillon-Cotes de Bordeaux《醇酒系列-F238B》

產區 : Castillon-Cotes de Bordeaux AOC

葡萄品種 :85% Merlot 梅洛,10% Cabernet Franc 品麗珠,5% Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠

酒精度 : 14.5%

🏅 James Suckling 91pts
🏅 Robert Parker 89-91 pts

📝實試紀錄 : (09/03/2023 - Timothy小編)
在醒酒約45 - 60分鐘後,桶香和花香更為突出,而且更添上了些甘草、奶油、黑巧克力和煙熏的香氣,整支酒的層次更顯豐富。

Castillon位於Cotes de Bordeaux產區,擁有產區內最優質的葡萄種植土壤:山坡側面和高地上的土壤為石灰質粘土和砂岩,一個只生產紅酒的產區。Chateau Cap de Faugeres是 Castillon產區內龍頭酒莊之一,創建於1832年。1992年酒莊邀請曾為1855二級莊Chateau Pichon-Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 設計過標誌性建築物著名建築設計師Jean Gastines和Patrick Dillon 建造酒莊酒窖。2005年現任莊主Silvio Denz購得了酒莊,他不僅是個調香師,還是一個瘋狂的葡萄酒愛好者,名下擁有多個酒莊,其中一個是Saint-Emilion Grand Cru。2008年Robert Parker這樣評價Chateau Cap de Faugeres: "Always one of the top Côtes de Castillons."

位於波爾多東部的Castillon地區,是Cotes de Bordeaux AOC的一部分,產區成立於2009年,目的是要聯合產區內的所有酒莊,以提高市場開拓能力,簡化整個波爾多的產區結構。特別是,這些小產區也非常希望聯合起來尋找更寬廣的市場,與新世界釀制的波爾多(Bordeaux)風格的酒相抗衡。 

Cotes de Bordeaux AOC,2009年才正式成立。它是由右岸的4個較小的法定產區合併而成,分別是: Cotes de Blaye、Cotes de Cadillac、Cotes de Castillon、Cotes de Francs四個地區連繫成的總稱,各產區在酒標上都可以用自己的名稱或者加上“Cotes de Bordeaux”去標示自己的AOC。Côtes是法文中「陡斜山坡」的意思,山坡斜度讓下大雨時水份可迅速流走,避免泥土吸收過多水份而破壞葡萄生長,是優質葡萄田的重要條件。


【Always one of the top Côtes de Castillons."- Robert Parker】



🏅 Wine Advocate 90 pts (2016)

The 2016 Cap de Faugeres (composed of 85% Merlot, 10% Cabernet Franc and 5% Cabernet Sauvignon) has a medium garnet-purple color and reveals notions of warm plums, blackberry pie and black raspberries with touches of pencil shavings and sautéed herbs. Medium-bodied with a velvety texture and good core of black fruits, it finishes on a long-lasting earthy note.

🏅 James Suckling 90 - 91 pts (2016)

Attractive dark berries and plums with gently flinty warm stones and a very plush, fruity palate with ripe darker plums from start to finish. Try from 2020.

🏅 Decanter 91 pts (2016)

An estate that has gone long on extraction in the past, but I'm really enjoying what they have done this year. This is big but very pretty, held back under tension, showing juicy black cherry and touches of chocolate. The soft, chalky tannins are very well placed; you can almost brush through them. This wine impressed me over several tastings. Drinking Window 2020 - 2035

🏅 James Suckling 91pts (2018)

Fresh blueberries, crushed brambleberries and licorice on the nose with a touch of cocoa powder. It’s medium-to full-bodied with firm, creamy tannins and fresh acidity. Succulent finish. Try from 2022.

🏅Robert Parker 89-91 pts (2018)
The 2018 Cap de Faugères is composed of 85% Merlot, 10% Cabernet Franc and 5% Cabernet Sauvignon; harvest began on September 22. Deep garnet-purple colored, it opens with intense scents of preserved plums, kirsch, chocolate box and menthol with hints of woodsmoke and Indian spices. Full-bodied, rich and voluptuously fruited in the mouth, the palate has a velvety texture and plenty of red fruit sparks of freshness, finishing spicy.

2016 $155/支

2018 $145/支

可混訂其他酒款, 6支免費送貨上門


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