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Chateau Gazin 2015 Pomerol 嘉仙堡《風土系酒款 - TF506A》

Chateau Gazin 2015 Pomerol 嘉仙堡《風土系酒款 - TF506A》

⭐ Pomerol面積最大的酒莊之一,擁有最為適合種植Merlot的土壤
⭐ Chateau Petrus曾於1969收購其12.5英畝葡萄園
⭐ 與酒王之王Chateau Petrus為鄰
⭐ James Suckling 97 Pts
⭐ Jeb Dunnuck 95+ pts
⭐ The Wine Advocate 93 pts

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Chateau Gazin 2015 Pomerol 嘉仙堡《風土系酒款 - TF506A》

產區 / 級別:Pomerol 波美侯, Bordeaux 波爾多

葡萄品種:95.2% Merlot , 4.8% Cabernet Franc



⭐ Pomerol面積最大的酒莊之一,擁有最為適合種植Merlot的土壤
⭐ Chateau  Petrus曾於1969收購其12.5英畝葡萄園
⭐ 與酒王之王Chateau Petrus為鄰
⭐ James Suckling 97 Pts
⭐ Jeb Dunnuck 95+ pts
⭐ The Wine Advocate 93 pts

Chateau Gazin Pomerol 2018 750ml - Domaine Franey

Château Gazin 嘉興酒莊 位於Pomerol的邊陲地帶,擁有佔地24公頃的單一葡萄園。從前是馬爾它騎士團的醫院(The Knight Hospitallers of Saint John of Jerusalem),大多數波爾多酒評家對Gazin有很高的評價,一部份原因是它與酒王之王Pétrus為鄰;Pétrus 11.4公頃的葡萄園還有5公頃是1969自Gazin購得的。偉大葡萄酒中的天、地、人要件,Gazin已經具有兩大優勢了。

Buy Château Gazin Wines - Millesima.com.hk

和多數Pomerol莊園一樣,Gazin在Pomerol黏土-沙礫的高地上種植著高比例的Merlot品種,維持約平均35年的葡萄樹齡。純手工採收,發酵好的葡萄酒在小型法國橡木桶中熟成18個月,每年更新50%新桶。年產只有八萬瓶紅酒,其中八成以上外銷,可見 Ch. Gazin 在世界酒壇的重要地位。

Chateau Gazin | Pomerol | Wine Academy | Cult Wines

嘉仙酒莊的葡萄園位於波美侯高地上,鄰近帕圖斯酒莊(Petrus)和樂王吉酒莊(Chateau L'Evangile),擁有優秀的風土條件。葡萄園表層土壤是形成於貢茲冰期(Gunz)的礫石,底層為富含氧化鐵的黏土,這為葡萄的生長提供了優異的條件。一直以來,嘉仙酒莊都遵循傳統的葡萄種植方式,並採用環境友好型葡萄園管理方式,充分尊重風土。其酒莊團隊將不同品種和地塊的葡萄分開發酵,以在葡萄酒中凸顯其葡萄園的風土特點。
Gazin - The wines

Gazin 與鄰近的 L'Evangile 和佩特魯斯 Petrus 葡萄園相比也毫不遜色。也許 Gazin 的葡萄酒不是該地區最受歡迎,價格也不是最昂貴,但在投資市場上表現穩定,並有可能進一步提高。評論家( Chris Kissack)指出, 如今 Gazin 已成為Pomerol 葡萄酒愛好者必知的酒莊,出產的葡萄酒品質極佳,但價格卻保持合理。Robert Parker 給 Gazin 的葡萄酒評分非常穩定,經常落在 92 分左右,某幾個年份例如 2009 和2010 年份的葡萄酒甚至獲得了96 分,並且在其他地方也受到了好評。評價有繼續上升的趨勢,2012 年和 2014 年等最近年份的葡萄酒也取得了不錯的 95 分和 94 分。

🏅 James Suckling 97 pts

Lots of cedar, tea-leaf and hazelnut character and ripe fruit aromas. Citrus peel, too. Full body, round and juicy tannins and a flavorful finish. Smoky undertone. This is structured and so complex. Drink in 2023.

🏅 Jeb Dunnuck 95+ pts

A straight up smokin’ red from this vintage is the 2015 Château Gazin and it’s a big, powerful, stacked 2015 that’s for those with patience. Made from almost all Merlot (I think it’s 100%), my notes on this beauty start - and end - with “love it.” Cassis, lead pencil shavings, graphite, forest floor, and tons of minerality all soar from the glass of this sensationally rich, concentrated, medium to full-bodied 2015 that has building tannin, a seamless texture, and a blockbuster finish. Forget bottle for 5-7 years and enjoy over the following two to three decades. 2023 - 2053.

🏅 The Wine Advocate 93 pts

The 2015 Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Champs Gain offers a touch more sucrosity on the nose, more extravagant than the Champs Canet, a touch of acacia honey emerging with time. The palate is well balanced, a little more structured than the Champs Canet with a spicy, almost rhubarb-like note on the complex and sustained finish, a dab of bitter lemon on the aftertaste. The Champs Canet will probably be more attractive in its youth, though I suspect that this might be the bet for the long-term, thanks to its depth and horsepower. We will see.

$ 760/支
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