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Domaine La Barroche Chateauneuf-du-Pape Pure 2007 巴羅什酒莊之淨土《 風土系列 - TF1052》

Domaine La Barroche Chateauneuf-du-Pape Pure 2007 巴羅什酒莊之淨土《 風土系列 - TF1052》

🏅 Robert Parker 親評 99+ pts
🏅 Jeb Dunnuck 98 pts
🏅 Vinous 96 pts
🏅 Wine Spectator 96 pts
⭐️ 超頂級Terroir風土,最優秀地段與名莊 Chateau Rayas 僅一步之遙
⭐️ 2007 教皇新堡世紀年份 - 產區評分達Wine Advocate 98分
⭐️ Robert Parker、Jancis Robinson 和 Stephen Tanzer等眾多世界級酒評家的高度評價和認可,Robert Parker 更曾為其酒款打過滿分
⭐️ 採用110年以上老藤

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Domaine La Barroche Chateauneuf-du-Pape Pure 2007 巴羅什酒莊之淨土《 風土系列 - TF1052》

產區:Chateauneuf du Pape 教皇新堡, Southern Rhone 南隆河

葡萄品種:100% Grenache

酒精度 :  15%


⭐️ 超頂級Terroir風土, 最優秀地段與名莊Chateau Rayas僅一步之遙

⭐️ 2007 教皇新堡世紀年份 - 產區評分達Wine Advocate 98分

⭐️ Chateauneuf-du-Pape(教皇新堡)產區的超級巨星之一

⭐️ Robert Parker、Jancis Robinson和Stephen Tanzer等眾多世界級酒評家的高度評價和認可,Robert Parker更曾為其酒款打過滿分

⭐️ 採用110年以上老藤 

⭐️ "Pure" 酒莊最頂級的葡萄酒款

🏅 Robert Parker 親評 99+pts

🏅  Jeb Dunnuck 98 pts

🏅  Vinous 96 pts

🏅  Wine Spectator 96 pts

Domaine La Barroche是Chateauneuf-du-Pape(教皇新堡)產區的超級巨星之一,擁有悠久的歷史酒莊同時也是Chateauneuf-du-Pape較為古老的建築之一,但這個巨星並不是因為其悠久釀酒歷史而聞名,反而是由於他們先進的葡萄釀酒技術以及現代化的葡萄園管理而聞名。

Domaine La Barroche由Alexander Barrot於1703年建立。19世紀末,Eugene Gabriel對當地的風土進行仔細研究,以挑選最適合種植葡萄的土地。20世紀70年代,人們紛紛離開葡萄園,去工廠工作,而Christian Barroche卻選擇接手酒莊,將家族的傳統延續下去。2015年Domaine la Barroche對所有酒窖和釀酒設備進行了大規模翻新和現代化,其中包括添加新的圓錐形混凝土桶進行發酵。



弟弟Julien,一個全情投入的純粹的葡萄種植與釀造業者。2002年,剛滿22歲的Julien拿到葡萄酒工藝學商校文憑,便參與酒莊工作。他是有承擔的年輕釀酒師的代表,求知若渴,思維活躍開放,同時又非常尊重風土特色和父輩流傳下來的技藝。莊主Julien Barroche有自己一套非常有趣的葡萄酒釀造哲學,在他私下聊天時說:他的Palate Education(味覺的養成),讓他更喜愛傳統的教皇新堡的釀造方法,葡萄本來就是水果了,為什麼還要在葡萄酒中一味尋求果味呢?

Domaine La Barroche的葡萄園面積近15公頃,根據不同的微氣候條件,選擇種植不同的葡萄品種。包括Grenache、Mourvedre、Syrah、Cinsault、Clairette和Vaccarese等。其中,Grenache主要種植於20世紀初。葡萄園中80%的土地是由表層沙土和深層石灰岩組成,其餘20%的土地由黏土、河卵石和沙土組成,且由於含鐵而呈紅色。Pure 此酒款是酒莊最頂級的紅酒款,曾經在2010年獲得 RP 滿分100分, 而2007年也接近滿分 99+,採用 100%的 Grenache  歌海娜 ,採自酒莊最老的葡萄樹,達110年以上,在混凝土裡進行發酵,浸皮時間長達4星期,輕度萃取,放老木桶陳熟18個月,不澄清,不過濾,那種老樹的純淨度和酒體深度將教皇新堡區的魅力表露無遺,難怪 Robert Parker 試了這款酒評道:   「Assuming anyone of human origin canactually resist this wine, It is an ethereal, super-concentrated wineof great elegance, precision, and freshness, but with unbelievableconcentration and length. 」認為凡人無法抗拒此酒 !

了解更多關於 Domaine La Barroche 巴羅什酒莊

🏅Jeb Dunnuck 98 pts

Thick, unctuous and the epitome of hedonism, the 2007 Chateauneuf du Pape is easily the most decadent and concentrated Pure produced to date. Possessing tons of sweet kirsch and darker fruits, roasted meats, lavender and truffle, it's massive and backward on the palate, with a full, stacked mid-palate and an almost overflowing amount of fruit that somehow stays lively, weightless and fresh. I found the '05 and '10 to have a tad more vibrancy at this tasting, but certainly, this is one of the most profound Grenaches I've tasted. A word of warning, this cuvee has known Issues of having some bottles referment, so proceed with caution.

🏅Robert Parker 99+ pts

Assuming one can find any of the 500 or so cases that are made, the wine “to die for” is the 2007 Chateauneuf du Pape Pure. I have a tendency to underrate this wine, as both the 2005, which I find pure perfection, and the nearly equal-in-quality 2006, both put on weight and complexity after a year or two in the bottle, but there is not a whole lot of room to improve in 2007. Coming from the very sandy soils of the lieu-dit in Chateauneuf du Pape known as Grand Pierre, this is 100% Grenache from vines that are about 110 years of age! Aged both in foudre and tank prior to being bottled unfiltered, in its three versions to date, it is undeniably one of the greatest expressions of pure Grenache in the world. An awesome wine with an extraordinary nose of melted licorice, spring flowers, black cherries, and black currants, the wine hits the palate with a full-bodied, thunderous impact but never, ever becomes heavy or ponderous. It is an ethereal, super-concentrated wine of great elegance, precision, and freshness, but with unbelievable concentration and length.

🏅Vinous 96 pts

Inky purple. Huge, expressive bouquet shows dark berry, floral and fruitcake qualities, along with a smoky mineral note. Lush and creamy, with deep boysenberry and blueberry flavors and velvety tannins. Turns spicier on the back half and finishes with outstanding clarity and juicy persistence. As massive as this is, there's no sense of overripeness or excess weight.


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