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Invergordon The Whisky Trail 48 years Grain Scotch Whisky 淬煉威酩秘境系列48年單一穀物威士忌 《風土系酒款 - TSC004》

Invergordon The Whisky Trail 48 years Grain Scotch Whisky 淬煉威酩秘境系列48年單一穀物威士忌 《風土系酒款 - TSC004》


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[原價$316/2支] 加購價$198/2支 - 意大利DOCG紅酒 2支 - I048B x 2 [加購酒款不計入6支成單免運條件]
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[原價$130] 加購價$100 - 日本千福 熟成梅酒 (500ml) - J026A [加購不計入6支成單免運條件]
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[原價$260/支] 加購價$218/支 - JS90分 法國波爾多紅酒 Fontenil 2011 科德尼 - F121C [加購不計入6支成單免運條件]
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Invergordon The Whisky Trail 48 years Grain Scotch Whisky    淬煉威酩秘境系列48年單一穀物威士忌 《風土系酒款 - TSC004》

產區 / 級別: Highlands, Scotland - Single Grain Scotch Whisky 

酒精度: 42.6%

容量: 700ml

網站介紹: https://www.whyteandmackayltd.com/our-locations/invergordon/

伸延閱讀:Invergordon The Whisky Trail 淬煉威酩秘境系列



1959年,Invergordon Distillers正式成立,其蒸餾廠於1961年開始運營,它是蘇格蘭僅有的六家的穀物蒸餾廠之一,並以他們的Coffey蒸餾器而聞名,生產世界上最好的穀物威士忌之一,1993年被Whyte & Mackay Ltd.集團收購。Whyte & Mackay Ltd.集團經營著四個單一麥芽酒廠:大摩(The Dalmore)、費特肯(Fettercairn)、吉拉(Jura)和塔木嶺(Tamnavilin)。

儘管大多數的穀物蒸餾廠都在低地附近,Invergordon蒸餾廠則屬於北部高地的幾百英里之外。酒廠擁有五座高大的Coffey蒸餾器,其中四座用來生產穀物威士忌,另一座則用於生產食用酒精,其水源來自附近的Loch Glass。在1965年至1977年這段時間裏,該地還曾是Ben Wyvis單一麥芽酒廠的所在地,該廠關停後其蒸餾器被運往位於坎貝爾鎮的Glengyle蒸餾廠。


穀物威士忌是由任何類型的穀物製成的威士忌,包括但不限於小麥、黑麥和玉米。它與麥芽威士忌的不同之處在於,麥芽威士忌只能由大麥麥芽製成。 現在,穀物威士忌比麥芽便宜,但這與品質無關。穀物威士忌通常在Coffey蒸餾器中蒸餾,這使得蒸餾器能夠連續生產,比pot蒸餾器的蒸餾成本更低。市面上知名嘅三得利集團出品的[響]都係穀物威士忌。


Nose: Both fresh and lively. Spicy (Cayenne), medicinal (arnica) and at the same time creamy (flan), the first nose evolves towards a more exotic register (pineapple, coconut) and fine liquorice. Allowed to breathe, spices (pepper, star anise) and scents of white flowers (lily of the valley, lilac) gradually rise to the surface of an aromatic palette, increasingly vanilla, lemony and fruity (Williams pear, white peach). .

Appearance: Deep old gold.

Mouth: Clean, racy. Taking on the vanilla and creamy character of the nose, the attack on the palate is also honeyed and floral (honeysuckle). On the mid-palate, candied ginger and fine flavors of milk chocolate gently coat the taste buds. Even more lactic, the finish clearly evokes vanilla ice cream.

Overall: Elegant, balanced. Minty and fruity (pear, apple), the start of the finish is deeply cereal (corn, barley, wheat), reminiscent of the world of American corn whiskeys. It then develops particularly exotic flavors (pineapple, passion fruit). In the aftertaste, notes of white oak underline the quality of a woodiness remarkably integrated into the taste palette. The retro-nasal olfaction is herbaceous (green barley, chlorophyll) and the vanilla and spicy empty glass (cinnamon, clove).


也可混訂其他酒款 (非風土精選系列),全單滿6支免費送貨上門


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