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Le Rocher des Violettes Le Grand Clos Blanc 2019 紫羅蘭之岩酒莊《醇酒系列 - F975》

Le Rocher des Violettes Le Grand Clos Blanc 2019 紫羅蘭之岩酒莊《醇酒系列 - F975》

🌟 Xavier Weisskopf - 滿分南隆Chateau de Saint Cosme前酒窖總管
🌟 Winedoctor: the most exciting was Xavier Weisskopf
🌟 Guide to the Loire: future stars of French viticulture
🌟 奉行有機 + 生物動力法 + 低硫
🌟 Vouvray對岸潛力產區 - Montlouis-sur-loire
🌟 90年老滕Chenin Blanc
🏅 Vinous 94分

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Le Rocher des Violettes Le Grand Clos Blanc 2019 紫羅蘭之岩酒莊《醇酒系列 - F975》

產區 : Montlouis-sur-loire, Loire Valley

葡萄品種 : 100% Chenin Blanc


🌟 Xavier Weisskopf - 滿分南隆Chateau de Saint Cosme前酒窖總管
🌟 “...the most exciting was Xavier Weisskopf, of Le Rocher des Violettes. His wines, crystal-pure, vibrant, pithy and long, were revelations.”
— Chris Kissack, thewinedoctor.com, February 2015.

🌟 “I’d like to introduce you to one of the future stars of French viticulture: Xavier Weisskopf.”
— Jacqueline Freidrich, Guide to the Loire.
🌟 奉行有機 + 生物動力法 + 低硫
🌟 Vouvray對岸潛力產區 - Montlouis-sur-loire
🌟 90年老滕Chenin Blanc
🏅 Vinous 94分

睇到上面一堆Gimmick就知道Wine Couple又為大家搵到Rising star~其實Loire valley一直都出好多好精彩嘅酒,貴嘅cult wine當然有,而更多嘅係未升價嘅高質小莊,例如今次呢個少有名氣嘅莊主&釀酒師Xavier Weisskopf加上呢個少見嘅潛力產區 - Montlouis-sur-loire組合成嘅酒莊 - Le Rocher des Violettes~

酒莊喺2005由喺Chablis同Beaune讀完葡萄種植 + 釀酒學嘅Xavier Weisskopf創立,Xavier之前曾經喺南隆滿分名莊Chateau de Saint Cosme做過4年酒窖總管,經驗十足,最後因為鍾情Chenin Blanc嘅關係,就揀咗呢個同對岸Vouvray風格接近但地價相宜嘅Montlouis-sur-loire開設自家酒莊~

酒莊有14公頃葡萄園,其中Montlouis佔9公頃,Touraine佔4公頃,仲有少部份用買返嚟嘅Vouvray葡萄搬到Montlouis釀,所以成品都只能夠標Vin de France. 當中有9公頃都係老滕,部份甚至係2戰前種嘅!

除咗signature嘅Chenin Blanc之外, 酒莊亦種咗Pinot Noir, Cabernet Franc, Chardonnay,甚至 Côt(Malbec)同Negrette!非常少見, Xavier一接手就即刻奉行有機 + 生物動力法 + 低硫~係有心有力有態度嘅新力軍!

而Montlouis-sur-loire呢個產區一路都畀比較出名嘅Vouvray籠罩住,喺1938成立產區之前Montlouis嘅酒甚至係標Vouvray賣... 位於Vouvray隔住條河嘅南岸, 一樣都係以Chenin Blanc為主,風土亦好接近,主要都係以礫石同Loire某幾個區獨有嘅tuffeau(白堊紀時期形成嘅柔軟多孔石灰岩)為主。所以風格固然好似,質素同陳年能力都可以同Vouvray不分上下!但地價比出咗名嘅Vouvray平!所以過去呢30年好多新莊湧入,而好多新血都好有心,奉行有機同生物動力法,咁嘅風土package加埋一堆潛力新血,絕對係一個值得留意嘅產區!

呢款Le Grand Clos用100% Chenin Blanc釀造,出自3塊田Le Grand Clos, Les Borderies, Bel Air, 以黏土石灰岩為主,有機認證,平均90年嘅樹齡,喺3成新嘅500升大桶發酵 + 陳熟10個月,帶出明顯但溫柔嘅桶感~

🏅 Vinous 94分:

The 2019 Le Grand Clos is a quiet and graceful wine. It's as if a symphony orchestra has been playing pianissimo and then they've come to a collective pause, holding its bows and breath before releasing the tension and easing into the next lyrical passage. Having been fermented and raised in 500-liter barrels for 10 months, there oak is subtle but evident in its almond pastry flavors and its rounded edges. It offers the intensity of old, low-yielding vines (an ancient 90-years-old) but it does so in a tranquil, unshowy manner. The wine finishes with a stream of flowing acidity, providing a cleansing and precise spine as well as phenolic tension offering grip and cheek-licking texture. The scented finish is long and satisfying. A delightful body that the impatient could open now but has the structure and concentration to go on and on.

🍷 小編Jeffrey實試報告(1/12/2022):

一開Chenin Blanc個氣息都好明顯,鐵鏽蘋果、花香、煙燻、嗰陣木質禾稈草 + 少少wet wool氣息都好齊,都有蠔殼礦物、nutty同咸香,比較特別嘅係佢桶嘅氣息比一般Loire明顯,出到椰子殼!亦有牛油同芝士,入口酒體偏厚,酸度中高但包得好圓潤,flavour夠重, nutty finish亦長,典型得嚟帶細節!

Rising star Xavier Weisskopf + 潛力產區 + 呢個價錢仲要有Vinous 94分,唔好走寶呀!

可混訂其他酒款, 🚚6支免費送貨上門


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