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Almaviva Baron Philippe de Rothschild 2021 活靈魂酒莊 Puente Alto《風土系酒款 - TCH009 》

Almaviva Baron Philippe de Rothschild 2021 活靈魂酒莊 Puente Alto《風土系酒款 - TCH009 》

🌟 智利四大酒王之一 Almaviva 「活靈魂」
🌟 「Almaviva是智利一個偉大的酒莊,在世界上囊括了所有的大獎和百大首獎!」-Robert Parker
🏅James Suckling 98pts
🏅Wine Advocate 96+pts
🏅Vinous 96 pts
🏅Vivino 4.4

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Almaviva Baron Philippe de Rothschild 2021 活靈魂酒莊 Puente Alto《風土系酒款 - TCH009 》

產區:Puente Alto, Maipo Valley,Chile

葡萄品種:71% Cabernet Sauvignon,22% Carmenere,5% Merlot,2% Cabernet Franc


🌟 智利四大酒王之一 Almaviva 「活靈魂」
🌟 「Almaviva是智利一個偉大的酒莊,在世界上囊括了所有的大獎和百大首獎!」-Robert Parker
🏅James Suckling 98pts
🏅Wine Advocate 96+pts
🏅Vinous 96 pts
🏅Vivino 4.4

Vina Almaviva 活靈魂
活靈魂酒莊(Almaviva Winery)位於智利邁坡穀(Maipo Valley)葡萄酒產區,1997年由法國木桐酒莊(Chateau Mouton Rothschild)與智利著名的幹露酒莊(Concha y Toro)合作建立。

1997年,羅斯柴爾德菲利普男爵和和Don Alfonso Larrain(Viña Concha y Toro總裁)攜手合作,活靈魂(Almaviva)誕生了。和作品一號一樣的思路,用智利的本地風土加上法國的栽培和釀造技術。可以說這個模式羅斯柴爾德家族屢試不爽,連續創造了舉世聞名的美國酒王和智利酒王。
了解更多 Opus One 作品一號:https://www.winecouple.hk/pages/opusone

“Almaviva”的中文翻譯為:“活靈魂”。從字面來看,在西班牙文中“alma”是“靈魂、生命”的意思,那麼合起來翻譯成“活靈魂”並不難理解。酒莊為什麼會取這個名字呢?據說,智利有著得天獨厚的氣候、水土,是釀造葡萄酒的天堂,但釀出的酒卻無法擺脫“廉價”的標籤,甘露酒莊決心打破這一怪論。他們清楚認識到智利葡萄酒的品質沒有問題,缺少的就是那畫龍點睛般的靈魂。於是,幹露酒莊邀請了紅葡萄酒界獨一無二的“靈魂人物”羅斯柴爾德男爵 (Baron Philippe de Rothschild)來智利一起共同釀造舉世聞名的好酒,於是雙方很快便達成一致,創建了活靈魂酒莊。


2001年,Wine Spectator給活靈魂酒莊紅葡萄酒打出了95分的高分。
2016年,葡萄酒評論家 Luis Gutierrez給活靈魂同樣打出了95分。
2017年,James Suckling更是給出了最高分100分,對帶有“黑莓和碘”的狂野異國情調讚不絕口。
2019年,活靈魂被Wine Spectator選為“一百強葡萄酒”之一。
2020年1月,活靈魂被James Suckling評為“十年佳釀”,在國際上聲譽大噪。

酒莊建於1998年,位於 Puente Alto,由智利著名建築師 Martín Hurtado設計,經歷12年建成,被公認為完美的藝術品與完備功能的結合。屋頂的起伏曲線模擬了安第斯山脈的形狀,與周圍的自然景觀相協調,是當地現代化的地標建築。葡萄園位於智利安第斯山脈腳下最好的Maipo產區的精華區Puente Alto,海拔650米高度,能確保晝夜間足夠的溫差,從而使葡萄風味更加複雜。安第斯山脈的微風也有助於緩解夏季的高溫,讓葡萄均勻成熟。同時Puente Alto屬於半乾旱的地中海氣候,年降雨量僅為300毫米,這樣也大大減少了真菌病害。但是高科技和精確的滴灌系統也是非常必要的裝備。


🏅James Suckling 98pts

A fresh and discreet Almaviva with subtle pencil shavings and cigar box to the cassis and hints of chili chocolate and peppermint. Nuanced and subtle on the nose. This is medium-bodied and subtle on the palate with silky tannins in the seamless finish. Very long. 71% cabernet sauvignon, 22% carmenere, 5% cabernet franc and 2% petit verdot. Drinkable now, but it will take its time to deliver complexity.

🏅Wine Advocate 96+pts

2021 was an overall cooler year than 2020, with more elegant wines with more finesse and less angular tannins. The sleek 2021 Almaviva is a good example of that, still very young and still marked by the élevage in oak after spending 20 months in French oak barrels, 71% of them new and the rest only second use. The final blend was 71% Cabernet Sauvignon, 22% Carmenere (from Peumo), 5% Cabernet Franc and 2% Petit Verdot, a variety that might gain in percentage, as they have even planted some more with the idea to possibly replace Merlot in the medium or long term. It's not a shy wine, hitting the scale at 15% alcohol and with mellow acidity, 4.65 grams (tartaric) and a pH of 3.81 The fruit is dark, ripe and spicy, nothing green about it; it's a little shy, less expressive than the warmer years are early on and a little more discreet but with potential to develop in bottle. The tannins are still present, and it should benefit from some more time in bottle. The 2019 had more volume than the 2018, and the 2020 is closer to the 2019 than the 2018. 200,000 bottles produced. It was bottled between late January and early February 2023. I tasted it next to the 2020 and 2018, and it's closer to the latter; but this 2021 is more elegant, and 2018 is a little more austere and herbal.

🏅Vinous 96 pts

The 2021 Almaviva is a blend primarily based on Cabernet Sauvignon and Carmenere, but not limited to these, and was aged for up to 18 months in French barrels. Its color is garnet with a purple sheen. The enticing nose showcases blackberry, cassis marmalade, black and green pepper, ashes, camphor and cigar box aromas. Indulgent and rich on the palate, it carries taut, fine-grained tannins, velvet texture and balanced acidity, leading to a long, ripe finish. This bold and layered red wine reveals nuanced depth and richness on the palate, promising further development as it matures in the bottle.




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