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Torbreck The Steading GSM 2022 托佈雷酒莊 Barossa Valley《風土系列-TAU007C 》

Torbreck The Steading GSM 2022 托佈雷酒莊 Barossa Valley《風土系列-TAU007C 》

⭐️ 澳洲膜拜酒莊
⭐️ 神之水滴推薦酒莊
⭐️ 被 Robert Parker 評為是“世界前100名酒莊之一”
⭐️ 同門酒款Run Rig - 知名澳洲頂級酒拍賣指南Langton's Classification 列入最高級Exceptional Level 酒莊實力無容置疑
🏅 Wine Advocate 94 pts
🏅 Halliday Wine Companion 94 pts
🏅 Matthew Jukes 18.5+/20 pts
🏅 Vinous 92 pts
🏅 Vivino 4.1

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Torbreck The Steading GSM 2022 托佈雷酒莊 Barossa Valley《風土系列-TAU007C 》

產區/級別 : Barossa Valley 巴羅薩谷  
葡萄品種 : 50% Grenache、31% Syrah、19% Mourvedre

酒精度 : 15%

官方網站: https://torbreck.com/collections/wines/products/the-factor-1

延伸閱讀:《神水》推介,必屬佳品! 為你剖析《神之水滴》推介酒款受歡迎原因!

延伸閱讀:Torbreck Vintners 托佈雷酒莊 澳洲膜拜酒莊

延伸閱讀:Barossa Valley 巴羅薩谷

⭐️ 澳洲膜拜酒王

⭐️ 神之水滴推薦酒莊

⭐️ 被 Robert Parker 評為是“世界前100名酒莊之一”

⭐️ 同門酒款Run Rig - 知名澳洲頂級酒拍賣指南Langton's Classification 列入最高級Exceptional Level 酒莊實力無容置疑

🏅 Wine Advocate 94 pts

🏅 Halliday Wine Companion 94 pts

🏅 Vinous 92 pts

🏅 Vivino 4.1

Torbreck Vintners(托佈雷酒莊)位於南澳大利亞的Barossa Valley(巴羅薩谷)產區,Barossa Valley Shiraz(西拉)聞名全世界,這裡偉大的風土,加上崇高的釀酒理念導致了今天的Barossa Valley 名莊鱗次櫛比,包括 Penfolds(奔富)、Jacobs Creek(傑卡斯)、格蘭Grant Burge(特伯爵)等,他們的 Shiraz 均一直處於澳洲最出色葡萄酒之列,而且有著各自鮮明的特色在這種環境下,Torbreck Vintners 雖然建自1994年,但只經過數年時間便釀出震撼世界葡萄酒。2004年底 Robert parker  Torbreck Vintners 三款葡萄酒評為99/99+,同時還有 6 款酒獲得90 分或以上的高分,這是史無前例的,同時再次證明 Torbreck Vintners  的品質。


美國葡萄酒收藏家大衛.索柯林所著的《葡萄酒投資》一書裡,全澳洲的《Investment Grade Wines》(簡稱IGW)的38款紅酒裡頭, Torbreck Vintners 的酒釀就占了四款:分別是The FactorDescendantLes Amis RunRig。其中,RunRig 已列世界名酒之林,也成為現代澳洲經典名釀的代表作。此外,漫畫《神之水滴》也畫及本莊的初階酒款Woodcutter’s Shiraz,更讓托貝克大名耳熟能詳於酒迷之間。有鑒於Woodcutter’s Shiraz 極為物超所值,使其成為名符其實的托貝克親善大使。 

Torbreck Vintners 酒莊於1994 David Powell 創建。David Powell 自小在南澳首府阿德雷得出生與成長,大學修習經濟系,求學期間因叔叔的導引而愛上葡萄酒,自此踏上“不歸路”。之後,為了擴展視野與精進釀技,他開始為期10年的學習之旅,除了遍遊歐洲、澳州以及加州名莊之外,他也長時間在不同的知名酒莊工作,日積月累其釀酒哲學。然而,除了在加州以及澳洲酒廠工作可獲取薪資之外,在法國等歐洲酒莊工作並無薪資可領,為了籌措旅費,機緣巧合下,成了蘇格蘭森林中的伐木工。為紀念為期不短的伐木工人生涯,遂以其工作過的蘇格蘭森林 Torbreck 替酒莊命名。 

1992 DavidPowell 發現並且整理了一些乾枯陳年的葡萄藤,正是他對葡萄種植與葡萄酒釀造業的涉足使得該產區形成了傳統的釀酒技藝與其獨特土壤特性之和諧的卓越風格。Torbreck Vintners 走的是新世界精品葡萄酒路線,有別於一些大量生產的澳洲葡萄酒。為了釀制心目中最佳的葡萄酒,他好不容易籌足錢,以收益抽佣方式向葡萄園主人買下共有權。David Powell 全心全意親自打理這小片葡萄園,將整個 Barossa Valley 最優良之葡萄老樹生產出的葡萄,用以釀造出限量生產、品質上佳的精品葡萄酒,風味可媲美法國北隆河產區傳統而精緻的葡萄酒。如今,David Powell 已經成為澳大利亞釀制具備法國羅納河谷葡萄酒風格的紅葡萄酒的天才之一。Torbreck Vintners 後來因為需要資金,David Powell 轉售部分酒莊股份,但由於David Powell 和新股東意見不合,所以他徹底離開了他一手創建的 David Powell,現任莊主為 Pete Kight

在葡萄酒釀迼方面酒莊的釀酒哲學秉承優質葡萄酒是在葡萄園中通過裝瓶前的培養而釀制出來的理念。所以該酒莊釀酒所用的葡萄大多採收自老藤葡萄樹這些葡萄樹是從 Barossa Valley 的不同子產區中挑選出來的。酒莊是根據葡萄的成熟度來判斷葡萄的採收期因此葡萄可以從樹上獲得單寧、酸和生理成熟性達到最理想狀態的葡萄。葡萄採收回來後酒莊會採用非常傳統的釀酒技術進行釀制一開始先對葡萄進行輕柔去梗然後慢慢泵入頂端開口的發酵容器中每天迴圈旋轉兩次強制性徹底減載一次。發酵過程結束後用一個籃子對所有的葡萄皮進壓榨在酒桶中自發進行蘋果酸和乳酸發酵使用每一個單一葡萄園的本土菌種。酒莊所有的葡萄酒在裝瓶前都不進行澄清和過濾。酒莊近期比較優秀的年份有2002年、2001年和1998而今次推薦的2002  是此酒款 The Factor 以來是歷來最高分的。

Torbreck Vintners 在短短二十多年間,就以精緻的品質贏得口碑,今天大可驕傲地宣稱澳洲生產的精品葡萄酒,能夠讓法國人都滿意折服。他們除了將 Barrossa Valley 經典的ShirazGrenache Mataro 紅葡萄酒推上更高層次,另外也釀制不比法國遜色的白葡萄酒如 ViognierMarsanne Roussanne2008年,David Powell 終於實現從種植、釀制、裝瓶全部在自家莊園完成的心願。這家用心經營的精品葡萄酒莊,獲得葡萄酒專家Robert Parker評價:"Torbreck Vintners 葡萄酒足以成為現代澳洲紅白酒的模範,他們利用 Barrossa Valley 最優良之老樹生長出的葡萄,釀制結合最純淨果香及最完美平衡的葡萄酒。他們接下來陸續推出的葡萄酒,肯定是地球上最優秀的葡萄酒。"

酒莊的代表作是"Run Rig",該酒造自120160年的古老葡萄藤,有着近似意大利酒 Tuscany 地區無比强壯的單寧。曾在著名雜誌Wine Spectator 上成功入圍"澳洲25大葡萄酒"

酒莊一直致力於釀造世界上口感最好的"隆河谷風格"的葡萄酒,葡萄全部來自於 Barossa Valley,這一點早已被歐洲、美洲和澳洲的葡萄酒媒體雜誌所認可。絕大多數葡萄藤都在干燥栽培條件下生長,幾乎所有葡萄樹的樹齡都已經有80-125年之久,而且都採用人工培育和人手收採。

酒莊是少有的可以四次得到Robert Parker 滿100 分的酒莊,而且被評為是"世界前 100 名酒莊之一"。

🏅 Wine Advocate 94 pts

The 2022 The Steading is juicy, fleshy and aromatically abundant. It is routinely a reliably satisfying wine, and it has been ever since I started drinking wine. Framed by this fine, fresh, late vintage, the Steading looks better than ever, with raspberry, licorice, mulberry, star anise and a hint of aniseed. Super! 15% alcohol, sealed under natural cork and wax.

🏅 Matthew Jukes 18.5+/20 pts

In many ways, The Steading is the most complex wine to assemble because it is made from some 45 different parcels of grapes.  I have long been a fan of this label, not least because it retails for a snip of the price of some of the starrier names, and yet it always shows trademark Torbreck swagger and élan. 2022 is a sensational vintage for The Steading, and it might be the most profound release of this label to date.  The time-honoured blend of GS&M can sometimes be a confusing puzzle to fit together, but in 2022, it tastes like the puzzle pieces fused of their own accord, each edge gliding seamlessly into place and settling into the whole in perfect symmetry.  With a wet Spring and a cool Summer, this was always going to be a fascinating wine because both Grenache and Mataro adore these conditions. Unusually, the fanfare of red/pink fruit notes is arresting, with rhubarb, cherry and raspberry tones surfing the aroma’s top notes. Beneath this frivolous exterior, a much darker and more lusty wine lurks. There is undoubted energy here, carrying the flavour along with considerable momentum, and it flatters the drinker, seemingly ushering you to the glass with an uncommon tempo, but this is an illusion. This troubadour attempts to woo you before time, and while it is easy to fall into its trap, try your best to resist. Great vintages of The Steading tend to kick off after they have spent four years (not two) in the bottle, as this time is spent unlocking the deep mulberry and plum notes hidden behind the energetic acidity in the centre of the swirling, silky flavour. This is a The Steading of considerable class, and if you have yet to join the ‘Torbreck Club’, I suggest you start here – by the time you uncork a bottle of this wine, you will be frothing with excitement, and this wine will rise to every expectation and more.

🏅 Vinous 92 pts

The fruit forward 2022 The Steading, a blend of Grenache, Shiraz and Mataro, is attractive. lt presents vibrant aromasof dark cherry and blackberry conserve with a gentle herbal/earthy lift. Fleshy upfront, but with genuine tannins insupport offering smoky meat and spicy flavors in a muscular frame.



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