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James Suckling Great Wines of Italy 2022 Hong Kong香港站終於圓滿落幕
我地Wine Couple團隊當然唔執輸都有參加呢個一年一度嘅盛事啦
當中最令人期待嘅絕對係我地Wine Couple獨家代理嘅De Stefani,
De Stefani今年一如既往地拎到James Suckling嘅高分而且更成功躋身Great Wines of Italy 2022呢個集結James Suckling所選嘅百大意大利酒莊之列,可以話係得到James Suckling莫大嘅肯定。
今年一共有百多款酒躋身Great Wines of Italy酒單之中
最後係云云嘅酒款之中終於同到兩支De Stefani相認,
De Stefani Stefen 1624 Marzemino 2016 |93 Points
De Stefani Olmera 2019 | 94 Points
身為De Stefani的頂級紅酒之一,小編亦已多次品試呢個酒款,每次都絕不會失望⋯⋯
100% Marzemino出品加上釀造後放木桶陳熟36個月,再放瓶內陳24個月的工藝,所以每一次都覺得1624是很濃香很有大酒格局的出品
不難想像為何James Suckling會給予93高分
“A hint of vanilla coffee to the currants and blackberries on the nose and palate. Full-bodied and full-fruited with lightly firm tannins and an intense, flavorful finish. Marzemino. Single vineyard. Delicious. Drink or hold.”
輪到旗艦白酒Olmera登場,由Tai 和Sauvignon Blanc混釀而成的白酒,相比之下比上述的紅酒1624更有個性
正正因為咁所以先可以拎到James Suckling 94高分
“A rich and quite exotic feel to this on the nose with caramelized pineapple, guava and a hint of onion flower. Round and silky start to the palate, then it moves in a tighter and quite phenolic direction, but the more gentle, honeyed elements force a re-entry on the long finish. I like the raw energy here. No holds barred. Wild and great fun. Tai (friulano) and sauvignon blanc. Drink or hold.”
試完兩款酒可以好肯定咁講就係De Stefani同其他同場的意大利酒比較之下絕對有佢地獨當一面嘅風情,不論價格質素還是獨有的意大利酒風味都真係交足功課
小編Timothy仍記得當時收到De Stefani亞太區大使Roberto Galloto報喜時嘅情景
事關Roberto收到James Suckling今年對De Stefani嘅評價後便第一時間同我地分享呢個喜訊,雖然因為疫情嘅關係我地未能面對面慶祝但單單從電郵都難掩酒莊團隊嘅興奮之情,係字裡行間滲出果種自豪同喜悅之外又不忘分享種種艱辛和突破才令到De Stefani更進一步成為意大利最佳酒莊之一,身為愛酒之人嘅小編聽完Roberto嘅分享後都不免有少少感動,而且亦更堅決想繼續同De Stefani合作,希望能夠將佢地咁出色嘅酒帶俾更多香港嘅酒友
其實除咗James Suckling之外,仲有其他業內人士都對De Stefani給予相當正面嘅評價
好比係香港名滿天下嘅米芝蓮二星餐廳Octavium團隊便曾舉行過內部的試酒會一次過試齊De Stefani整個系列而且仲有好好嘅comment添
可能你哋遲啲會喺Octavium嘅酒單上面見到De Stefani嘅蹤影都唔出奇呀