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Chateau Sociando Mallet 被 Robert Parker 評為平民版 Latour

Sociando Mallet公認的高質加上超高性價比令他一直都是資深酒友間的寶藏之一~之所以說Chateau Sociando-Mallet是傳奇酒莊,是因為1855年波爾多分級時,這支被譽為有實力進入Grand Cru級的酒莊,卻因當時的莊主不認同分級理念,故此拒絕被評級。現任莊主Jean Gautreau 在1969購入,亦秉承前人理念,在2003年中產級(Cru Bourgeois)再度評級時,也拒絕被評,多麼有個性。

Jean Gautreau 獨具彗眼

酒莊在 1633 建立,當時的主人是當地貴族 Sossiondo, 不知道是相近還是誤傳,後來就變了做今天的 Sociando. 直到1831年,酒莊當時的主人 Marie-Elisabeth Alaret 嫁了給一位海軍Achille Mallet,自此就把姓氏加上,成為 Sociando Mallet。近年在 1969 年被 Jean Gautreau 接下,當時酒莊狀況很差,只剩下 5 公頃葡萄園,建築也失修,但 Jean 卻獨具慧眼,看中這裡的優越的風土條件,而確實這裡的高比例礫土能比一般 Haut Medoc 種植更高比例的 Cabernet Sauvignon。 如今酒莊已發展到八十多公頃,酒莊現由女兒 Sylvie 接手。事實上葡萄園亦好接近 Saint Estephe 的二級莊 Montrose,所以亦經常被飲家飲到帶 Saint Estephe 產區的氣息,Robert Parker 甚至稱其為平民版 Latour 或平民版 Montrose!並稱其為最耐陳的波爾多之一。

Sociando Mallet 亦是波爾多中注重風土的表表者,除了有高質土壤外,是極少數從不除葉也不做綠色採收的酒莊!認為多餘的葉可以幫助光合作用產生更多糖份,也可幫葡萄遮陰,更認為產量應該由自然去決定,不採收多餘的葡萄去刻意令餘下葡萄更集中,是真正表現波爾多風土的代表之一!甚至有愛好者認為這就是 Sociando Mallet 特別風味的成因!

最有話題的莫過於在1982年歐洲酒評團(The Grand Jury Europeen)評比中,打敗百款波爾多紅酒,僅輸給Chateau Pichon Lalande拿下亞軍寶座!讓所有一級酒莊皆望其項背;在1999年的品飲會中,1996年份獲得歐洲酒評團的高度青睞,成為當晚132款與會紅酒之冠; 2000、 2001年份則在法國唯一葡萄酒雜詰《Revue du Vin de France》盛大舉辦的比較品飲會(comparative tatings)中榮獲最高的評價。更值得一提的是日本漫畫《神之水滴》第7期,以她的1985大勝了Lafite的1985。因此它有『窮人版酒王』Chateau Latour之稱。






Chateau Sociando Mallet 酒款:

Chateau Sociando Mallet


Château Sociando-Mallet produces full-bodied wines with a deep, dark colour. Their complex bouquet is usually dominated by black fruit aromas with a touch of minerality and well-integrated, elegant oak. Often somewhat "virile" when young, the wines gain in balance and complexity with age. They are fresh, straightforward, and have a wonderful length.

Château Sociando-Mallet has always been a wine with great ageing potential. A wine to be enjoyed even after 30 years in great vintages.

La Demoiselle de Sociando-Mallet


The Demoiselle de Sociando-Mallet is produced from the younger vines of the property and the plots whose soil is more favourable to the production of very good Merlot. This grape variety represents half of the final blend of this wine. The vines for our Demoiselle cover around twenty hectares and receive the same care and are tended in the same way as the rest of the vineyard throughout the year.

The "demoiselle" is a sort of dragonfly found in the Médoc. Like the dragonfly, this wine of the same name is light and elegant.

The ageing of our Demoiselle de Sociando-Mallet is carried out mainly in vats, to preserve the freshness and fruitiness of the Merlot. This easy-drinking wine can be enjoyed young. It is an ideal match for grilled meat and fish or shellfish dishes.

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