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Chateau Carbonnieux(卡本尼爾堡)是位於 Graves 產區的 Crus Classés de Graves,1953年,波爾多 Graves 產區設立了自己的分級制度,評選出了 16 家列級酒莊,Graves 的分級制度是按紅白酒分開去評審,酒莊的紅酒入選了列級莊級數,不等於他的白酒也必然是列級莊,當時,紅白酒都能入選成為列級莊的酒莊,只有 6 間,Chateau Carbonnieux 就是其中一間同時入選的酒莊,(當然 Chateau Haut-Brion 亦都是其中一間),Graves 的分級制度一直都現在都沒有什麼大改變,優良的傳統一直留存下來。
據記載,Chateau Carbonnieux 的名字可能來源於一個名為“Carbonius”或“Carbonnieu”的家族,該家族的成員在13世紀初開墾了 Leognan 附近的土地,而據 1234 年的資料顯示,酒莊所在之地在當時就已開始種植葡萄樹。1519 年, Ferron 家族入主酒莊,並逐步將其打造成為一個擁有城堡、高塔和優質葡萄園的莊園,酒莊在 Louis XIV 統治時期達到了發展史上的第一個巔峰。兩百多年後,Ferron 家族因財政危機將酒莊出售給本篤會(Benedictine),修道士們投入大量資金以提高酒莊白葡萄酒的品質,經過一段時間發展之後,酒莊的白葡萄酒成功贏得了廣泛聲譽。1786 年,熱愛美食與美酒的 Thomas Jefferson 在擔任美國駐法大使期間參觀了幾家波爾多名莊,其中之一便是 Chateau Carbonnieux,Thomas Jefferson 親手種下的美國山核桃樹至今仍存留在莊園中十分顯眼的位置。此外,18世紀時,酒莊的白葡萄酒還被引入奧斯曼帝國(Ottoman)的蘇丹(Sultan)王宮,由於這些葡萄酒有著清澈透亮的顏色,因而被譽為“Chateau Carbonnieux 的礦泉水”。
18世紀末,Chateau Carbonnieux 因法國大革命影響而被充公,革命結束後又歷經多次易主。1956 年,酒莊被 Marc Perrin 收購,自此開啟酒莊發展的新紀元,如今 Chateau Carbonnieux 已在 Perrin 家族傳承至第 4 代。Perrin 家族收購酒莊後,重新種植葡萄園,逐漸將葡萄園面積由原先的 45 公頃擴大到如今的約 92 公頃。Marc 之子 Antony Perrin 曾任 Union des Grands Crus de Bordeaux(簡稱UGCB)主席,經驗豐富,對 Pessac-Leognan 產區風土有著獨到的理解。他為酒莊興建了現代化釀造車間和酒窖,並修繕了城堡以及葡萄園,極大地提升了酒莊的知名度及葡萄酒品質。
目前,Chateau Carbonnieux 的葡萄園面積約為 92 公頃,其白葡萄種植面積與紅葡萄面積相當,分別為 42 公頃和 50 公頃,這也使其成為 Pessac-Leognan 產區白葡萄種植面積最大的酒莊。紅葡萄品種包括 60% 的 Cabernet Sauvignon、30% 的 Merlot、7% 的 Cabernet Franc 和 3% 的 Petit Verdot,白葡萄品種則包括 65% 的 Sauvignon Blanc 和 35% 的 Semillon。葡萄園內的土壤類型豐富多樣,包含深層礫石、沙石、黏土和石灰岩等,這意味著酒莊可以依靠精確的地質圖因地制宜地種植最佳品種。酒莊將葡萄園細分為 119 個地塊,每個地塊均有自己的特質,這些特質最終將轉化並展現在酒液中。此外,酒莊推行可持續發展的種植模式,杜絕使用除草劑和殺蟲劑等化學製品,盡力維護葡萄園內的生物多樣性,提高葡萄植株本身的自然防禦能力。目前,酒莊已獲得由法國農業部(French Ministry of Agriculture)認可的高環保價值(Haute Valeur Environnementale,簡稱HVE)三級認證(三級是最高和最嚴格的認證級別)以及ISO14001環境管理體系認證(Environmental Management System)。
葡萄達到最佳成熟度時,會由人工進行採摘,採摘工作委託給當地熟悉殼白仙城堡葡萄園的工人們進行。採摘後的葡萄會迅速被運往釀造車間,根據地塊或是葡萄品種特點的不同分批次進行釀造以及陳年,通常紅、白品種各會被分為 20-40 個不同批次。在釀造白葡萄酒時,經篩選後的葡萄會被放入先進的氣囊壓榨機中進行緩慢而輕柔地壓榨,之後進行 3-4 天的低溫浸漬,然後再分批次地在橡木桶中進行發酵。釀造紅葡萄酒時,葡萄在去梗前後會進行兩次篩選,然後經過輕柔壓榨的葡萄會進入溫控不銹鋼罐中進行低溫發酵,發酵時間約為 28 天,期間還會進行壓帽(Pumping Over),之後還要進行 Malolactic Fermentation,發酵結束後的酒液會通過重力被運往橡木桶中進行陳年。在陳年過程中,白葡萄酒會根據所需橡木風味多少而在容量不同的橡木桶中進行熟成,新桶比例通常為 25%,熟成時間為 10 個月,期間會定期攪桶以增加酒液的飽滿度。紅葡萄酒則會在法國橡木桶中熟成約 18 個月,每年會更新三分之一的橡木桶。陳年即將結束時這些酒液會迎來混釀過程,混釀好的葡萄酒會進行澄清(紅葡萄酒採用蛋白進行,白葡萄酒則使用天然礦物質)並裝瓶。
各位酒友如果有興趣想舖道 Graves 區的分級制度和更多 Graves 區列級莊的資料
Château Carbonnieux red has for centuries been a great classic from the region of Bordeaux. With its high standard of quality, it is the smooth result of an excellent blending of grape varieties from this region.
The vinification, both modern and traditional of red wines, is carried out by slow and gentle extraction in order to preserve the roundness of the wine and the mineral features of the soil. The tannins are well balanced and silky in harmony with red fruits (blackcurrant, blackberry, cherry…) and reveal toasted notes from ageing in the finest quality French oak barrels. Only the very best batches tasted are selected for the final blending of Château Carbonnieux red wines.
Château Carbonnieux white is a legendary wine. It is said that in the 18th century it was introduced to the Sultan of Constantinople’s palace because of its clarity and was called “mineral water from Carbonnieux”, thus defying the Islamic law.
The clay–limestone of Garonne gravel found in the Pessac-Léognan Appellation certainly produces the best dry white wines in the Bordeaux region. When young, Carbonnieux white wines are delightfully refreshing and pure with a fruity, floral intensity. When mature they develop hints of dried and candied fruits giving scope for a large range of gastronomic pairings. The batches which will form part of this “cru classé” will be blended so as to induce an excellent complicity between the grape varieties. The chosen Semillon grapes will add structure to the liveliness of the Sauvignon grapes by giving them roundness and volume on the palate.
In order to keep a healthy vineyard, Château Carbonnieux replants at least one or two plots of vines each year. For several years, these young plants will produce almost nothing, then they will produce grapes whose aromatic characteristics are not sufficiently rich to be included in the composition of a “cru classé” like Château Carbonnieux. This is why the juices of these young plants (for about 12 years) are used to craft second wines. The wines of Château Tour Léognan are blended from young Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot vines of Château Carbonnieux, they are made with the same cultivation and winemaking care as their elder. These are gourmet and tasty wines, decidedly very pleasant and easy to drink young.
Chateau Tour Leognan
Château Tour Leognan is a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot that stands out for its combination of strength and finesse. It is round, fruity, slightly woody and subtly toasted as the wines of this terroir are appreciated.
Chateau Tour Leognan Blanc
Château Tour Leognan is a wine of pleasure, an assemblage characterized by Sauvignon which delivers notes of citrus fruits as well as a fleshy and elegant mouth. This lively and fruity combination is rounded by the sweetness and fatness of Semillon.
La Croix de Carbonnieux wines are a tribute to the Benedictine monks from the Sainte Croix Abbey in Bordeaux who owned the property in the 13th and 18th centuries. The monks, great wine-makers gave Carbonnieux its international reputation and a push towards modernity. Their emblem, the “S” around the Sainte Croix, punctuates the Château landscape in various places and seals on our bottles the trace of their passing in the long history of the estate. Crafted from selections of Château Carbonnieux Cru Classé, the red and white wines from La Croix de Carbonnieux are very appreciated second wines made with all the care devoted to a grand cru.
La Croix de Carbonnieux
has a fine ruby colour and a nose of red fruits with that smoky touch in the wines from Léognan that is so pleasant on the palate. A little less powerful than Carbonnieux and greatly appreciated in gastronomy it can be drunk young and lends itself to a large choice of wine and food pairings.
La Croix de Carbonnieux Blanc
has a pale yellow colour typical of our varieties and a freshness subtly impregnated with aromas of exotic fruits and grapefruit. These wines benefit greatly from the wonderful minerality characteristic of Carbonnieux and the Pessac-Léognan soil. The white Croix de Carbonnieux is a wine for Epicureans.